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Du an The La Village Binh Chanh khong chi duoc thiet ke voi nhieu tien ich noi khu da dang ma con tan dung loi the ve vi tri de cu dan co the de dang tiep can cac tien ich ngoai khu nhu: cho, truong hoc, benh vien, trung tam thuong mai,...dap ung nhu sinh hoat cua moi gia dinh. Du an The La Village Binh Chanh khong chi la mot noi an cu ly tuong voi moi truong song tien nghi va trong lanh, ma con la mot co hoi dau tu hap dan voi tiem nang tang truong manh me trong tuong lai. Website du an: Dien thoai: 0814824051 Dia chi: Xa Tan Kien, Binh Chanh, Tp Ho Chi Minh #thelavillage; #khudancuthelavillage; #thelavillagebinhchanh; duanthelavillage

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