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These are answers submitted by thschiavo

Sorry, I have missunderstood (U[1], U[2])...

Thiago Schiavo Mosqueiro

"God is real, unless declared integer"


Ok... I would like to know if the range of Y[1] and Y[2] are, actually, 0 and 1.

Well, if you want to plot the curve (U[1], U[2]), you can do it as follows in the maple worksheet I just uploaded. Maybe it is not the easier way, but I use the curve command (plottools package).

Download 9787_ploting 2d curve.mws
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Thiago Schiavo Mosqueiro

"God is real, unless declared integer"


Are you trying to plot the curve (U[1], U[2]) or to plot the two functions separatley?

Thiago Schiavo Mosqueiro

"God is real, unless declared integer"


Wouldn't be nice if you write a procedure wich computes your sum and the contribution of each term in your sum? If you do so, you might ask to stop the sum when i reaches a appreciable precision, wich, actually, could be argument of your procedure.

Try something like...

soma := proc(p, a, b)
  global Z:
  local somatorio, i, err:

  err := p + 1:
  somatorio := 0:
  for i from 1 by 1 while err > p do
    err := i*Z(i, a, b)
    somatorio := somatorio + err:
  end do:

end proc:

It seems everything is all right...

Thiago Schiavo Mosqueiro

"God is real, unless declared integer"


This seems to be funny, it's a complicated function, isn't it?

Well... What is your definition of mean value? If Z(x, a, b) is a probability of the random variable x, I think the first step is to define the range of your x variable. If it is the case, then you will have to sum over all the values of x the product x Z(x, a, b)... But it depends on what the function Z is, etc.

The thing is, I can not help you only with this information. Could you explain in more details or define what a "mean value" is for you?

Thiago Schiavo Mosqueiro

"God is real, unless declared integer"


Are you trying to compute the integral of Z(x, A, B), with x real? There isn't a problem with the product?

Anyway... Try Z(0, 0.37, 0.35) and it returns the same error ("too many levels of recursion"). The same for any real number.

Thiago Schiavo Mosqueiro

"God is real, unless declared integer"


Hi... Is this a definite integral? Are you sure this is the expression?


(I have replaced p_0 by x)

Thiago Schiavo Mosqueiro

"God is real, unless declared integer"


I am sure there is some very cool method so you can display r*cos(theta) as x, but I use the subs statement. Take a look on ?subs and ?algsubs pages. But I will look for a clever method...

Thiago Schiavo Mosqueiro

"God is real, unless declared integer"


(please, read the post above first)

I'm sorry... The statement I suggest you not to use is "alias", not "declare". If you don't use declare, things don't work. I'll change this in my worsheet just soon...


PS - Actually... I don't know how to update a file in my file box... Or changing it... anyway... Where can I learn this?

Thiago Schiavo Mosqueiro

"God is real, unless declared integer"


For sure, this is not wrong. Actually, this can help you a lot. Anyway, when I'm working with my worksheets, I really get confused if I use aliases. Specially if you're a "newbie" with Maple (which may not be the truth), you may experience some problems with that.

Some of my friends, even those who are newbies, prefere to use it. But I know people who don't. It's a matter of preferences and maybe I shouldn't write that in the worksheet.

Anyway... Was that what you're looking for?

Thiago Schiavo Mosqueiro

"God is real, unless declared integer"


Please, take a look in the worksheet I just uploaded and tell me if this is near of what you need.

View 9787_implicit on MapleNet or Download 9787_implicit
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Thiago Schiavo Mosqueiro

"God is real, unless declared integer"


By "using maple to derive derivatives of implicit functions", you mean computing the gradient of f (your function) in r and theta coordinates?

If it is the case, it is not a difficult task and, maybe, I can help you. Otherwise, I think I didn't understand, hehe sorry.

Thiago Schiavo Mosqueiro

"God is real, unless declared integer"


It seems to me that the procedure is quite right. Did you called like this?

> myproc(4, 1/3*Pi, 10, 2);

Just to be sure: the "pi" value is, in Maple environment, the variable "Pi".

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