
20 Reputation

4 Badges

6 years, 48 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by utcyp


Hello there,

I am trying to solve a pretty simple Cauchy Problem:

PDE := diff(u(t, x, y), t)+.5*(diff(u(t, x, y), x, x))+diff(u(t, x, y), x, y)+.5*(diff(u(t, x, y), y, y))+diff(u(t, x, y), x)+diff(u(t, x, y), y)+(1+(x+y)^2)*u(t, x, y) = 0

bc := u(0,x,y)=1;

with pdsolve and I get a result.

But surprisingly, Maple's pdetest applied to this result doesn't yield zero.

Hence, Maple solves my problem, but it also says that this solution is not right?

How is that possible?


Thanks a lot for your help. (btw: this is my first post here :))

Best regards,



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