
13375 Reputation

20 Badges

9 years, 139 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by vv

I have a .mpl file containing some procedures and other code.
When I open the file, everything is placed in a single execution group
(I use 1D math, worksheet mode).

Is it possible to have distinct execution groups?
For example, after each two blank lines (or other separator) in the .mpl file.

The same question when using .txt files as Maple input (in this case the code being not executed).

Thank you.

Compute the following multiple integral exactly and/or with 10 correct significant digits

Int(  exp( - add(x[i],i=1..10)^3),  seq(x[i]=0..1, i=1..10) );

  The problem is suggested by a previous post.

This is not actually a question, but an interesting problem found in the recent book (2nd edition, 2015):
Mathematica®: A Problem-Centered Approach
by  Hazrat Roozbeh

I hope that you will enjoy the problem too.

Define the functions f, h : N --> N by
f(n) = the sum of the squares of the digits of n; e.g. f(25) = 2^2 + 5^2 = 29.
h(n) = min {f(n), f(f(n)), f(f(f(n))), ... };  e.g. h(7)  = min{49,97,130,10,1} = 1.

A natural number n is happy if h(n) = 1.
Find all the happy ages, i.e., happy numbers up to 100.
Conclude that happy ages are mostly before one gets a job or after retirement!

(Maple 2015)

For the simple ODE with initial condition
dsolve({ diff(y(t),t) = y(t)^2 - y(t)^3, y(0) = 1/10 }, y(t));

dsolve produces two different answers, almost randomly (even after restart or after closing Maple and reloading the worksheet). Namely:





but this simplifies to (2), so it's not a "true" bug.

Notice that (2) is correct but (1) is incorrect even for t=0 (the initial condition!):


Maple seems to prefer the wrong solution (1) but occasionally produces (2) e.g. in a new whorksheet!
In earlier versions it seems that only (1)  appears.

The same ODE with another IC

dsolve({ diff(y(t),t) = y(t)^2 - y(t)^3, y(0) = 1/100 }, y(t));




is always incorrect. It should be


but Lambert's function never shows up!
Let me mention that only the exact solutions are affected, numeric is ok.

Without an initial condition, dsolve always uses LambertW:

dsolve({ diff(y(t),t) = y(t)^2 - y(t)^3}, y(t));



Can you explain this behavior?



Using the Plot Component it is possible to obtain
an interactive worksheet for drawing visually plane geometry
elements, e.g. select a triangle and draw its incircle.
Do you know if such worksheets are available somewhere?

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