
5 Reputation

2 Badges

14 years, 120 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by wander

Thanks Joe. It took about 1.25sec when I tried the compiler option. This four-bar model is very simple comparing to my model. There are totally 4 kinematic loops in my model. If one kinematic loop will lead so slow calculation speed, the four kinematic loop will be much slower. I can not do HILS with Maplesim if the issue can not be solved.

Thanks Joe. It took about 1.25sec when I tried the compiler option. This four-bar model is very simple comparing to my model. There are totally 4 kinematic loops in my model. If one kinematic loop will lead so slow calculation speed, the four kinematic loop will be much slower. I can not do HILS with Maplesim if the issue can not be solved.

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