
89 Reputation

3 Badges

16 years, 331 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by wirefree

The above suggestions generates the following error: "Error, (in plots/tolist) points are not in the correct format" To reiterate, my query is regarding plotting points on the same graph sequentially so that all past points are visible, as opposed to one frame on top of another. Would greatly appreciate advise. Best regards, wirefree
Greatly appreciate the assistance. Doug - I have adopted your second approach to the problem and employed the 'display([seq(pointplot3d(plotter[c]...' command successfully. With regards to the question of plotting points on the same graph sequentially so that all past points are visible, as opposed to one frame on top of another, your suggestions seem to have been lost in translation from the first approach to the second. Would be highly appreciative if you could suggest a methodology to the effect. Best regards, wirefree
Hello. I would greatly appreciate assistance with the procedure for defining a 1D array where each element is a 3D coordinate, as has been referred to in the first post of this thread by Poster Matthew by the name "plotter[1..20]". Please note that I have attempted the following code to no avail: plotter := array((10, 2, -3), (5, -5, 6), (17, -8, 1)); Look forward to a prompt response. Best regards, wirefree
Appreciate the assistance, Alec & acer. To conclude, I seek advise with plotting FTs. The following sets up the query: - sine := sin(2*Pi*t*1/8); - plot(sine, t = 0 .. 32); - inttrans[fourier](sine, t, w); - plot(inttrans[fourier](sine, t, w), w = 0 .. 1); The final command yields an empty plot, while a text illustration for the same depicts the following: http://yfrog.com/2p13102009106j Please also notice the two curves present: one for magnitude and another for phase. Would greatly appreciate advise with achieving the same. Best regards, wirefree
Greatly appreciate the response, Alec. I seek assistance with deconstructing the above two commands. My queries are specific: 1) What purpose does the conversion of the piecewise function to Heaviside serve? I ask this since the following commands yield similar results: > rectNew := piecewise(`and`(t > -1/2, t < 1/2), 1); > inttrans[fourier](rectCos, t, w); 2) How can I extend the above set of statements to generate more involved fouriers? For example g(t) = rect[t/T]*cos(2*Pi*f*t) I ask since the following does not yield to much: rectCos := piecewise(`and`(t > -1/2, t < 1/2), 1)*cosine(2*Pi*f*t) Look forward to your prompt response. Best regards, wirefree
Greetings. I seek assistance with Fourier transforms. As an illustration, please advise how I can employ Maple (11) for ascertaining the Fourier transform of the 'rect(t)' function, defined as: 1 for |t| < 1/2; 0 otherwise; Look forward to a prompt response. Best regards, wirefree
Greetings. I seek advise with solving for an angle (in degrees), for which I have provided Maple (v11) the following equation: with(Units[Natural]): solve(sin(t*deg)) = 0, t); However, an error is generated as follows: "Error, (in Units:-Standard:-sin) the function `Units:-Standard:-sin` cannot handle the unit kg*m/m(radius) with dimension mass*length/length(radius)" Would greatly appreciate advise with resolving the above. Best regards. wirefree
I am required to evaluate the performance of an algorithm (below) by providing the distribution of outputs across the sample space of inputs. I am further told that this can be done through a plot of the CDF, and by giving 1st and 2nd moments. Task: Map an IP address (32-bit) into the interval [0, 1024] as evenly as possible. Algorithm: AND 1st & 3rd, 2nd & 4th, bytes of IP address to result in a 16-bit address. Mod 1024 the decimal value of the 16-bit address. For example, - is 01111111.00000000.00000000.00000001 - 01111111 AND 00000000 yields 00000000 - 00000000 AND 00000001 yields 00000000 - 00000000.00000000 is 0 - 0 mod1024 = 0 Since I am required to prove this by hand, it must not be performed for all 4 billion address between - So, how many samples do I need before Maple can yield a plot? Would greatly appreciate assistance. Best, wirefree
Hello, I too seek assistance with a double integral. The problem statement is: f(x,y) = 1/x, 0
Hello, What commands are required to compute probabilities of normal random variables? For e.g. mean=3, sigma^2=9 and calculating P{X>0}. Best regards, wirefree
Thx a ton!


I get it now.




Much appreciated, Robert.
Both of the above responses suggest, if I am correct, that there exists no explicit manner in which the desired result may be achieved. Both entail modifying the easiest representation of the equation. In other words, should the resulting solid be a irregular shaped, the result may prove difficult to achieve. I was really hoping for, perhaps, certain parameters I could pass to the display() function which could remove the superfluous. Would appreciate if someone could confirm if my understaning is correct. Best, wirefree
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