
96 Reputation

2 Badges

17 years, 63 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by yadaddy

Hi! Big thanks! After testing with pdetest, replying 0, I feel fine. I will check the geometrical sense of the solution and answer here, if I'm glad or not (maybe another mistake like false sign somewhere hidden)). Interesting, that Maple 10 gives only the 0-solution. Greetings and big thanks again, yadaddy.
Hi! Big thanks! After testing with pdetest, replying 0, I feel fine. I will check the geometrical sense of the solution and answer here, if I'm glad or not (maybe another mistake like false sign somewhere hidden)). Interesting, that Maple 10 gives only the 0-solution. Greetings and big thanks again, yadaddy.
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