
20 Reputation

4 Badges

1 years, 216 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by yaseentareq

@Mariusz Iwaniuk 

  • Thank you very much but the first code comes up with some solutions.
  • How do I solve  FPDE in a way homotopy perturbation Elzaki transform method in Maple?


  • Thank you very much, sir.
  • but how does this solution come out?


ElzakiTransform := proc (F, t) simplify(inttrans:-laplace(F*v, t, 1/v)) end proc

InverseElzakiTransform := proc (g, v) inttrans:-invlaplace(eval(F/v, v = 1/v), v, t) end proc; F := v^(n+2)



`assuming`([InverseElzakiTransform(g, v)], [n > 0])

invlaplace(v^(-1-n), v, t)



Download IET.mw

@Mariusz Iwaniuk 

Thank you very much, sir.
but how does this solution come out?

Thank you very much for the help.
But I have another question, How can I get the Inverse Elzaki transform?

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