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These are replies submitted by yasi

@Rouben Rostamian

X axis [-1,1]

Y axis [0.000001 , 0.0001]

Be the same curve

thank you...


I don't mean this figure and I don't want a log mode, but the axis Z should be shortened and the numbers on the axis should [1e-7,3e-8,5e-9,9e-10] be placed in the grid place

@dharr How to limit the axis Z to the figure and its range is "1e-7,3e-8,5e-9,9e-10"?Thanks




dat := ExcelTools:-Import(cat(currentdir(), "/Ex12.xlsx"), 1, "B2:J10"):

grids := proc (M, x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max) local z_min, z_max, plot_f, xz, yz, xy, zticklabels; z_min := 0.1e-9; z_max := 0.1e-6; plot_f := plots:-surfdata(M, .1 .. .9, .1 .. .9, color = white, thickness = 2); zticklabels := map(proc (x) options operator, arrow; x = sprintf("%.0e", x) end proc, [seq(.312^i*0.1e-5, i = 1 .. 4, 1)]); xz := plot3d([x, y_min, z], x = x_min .. x_max, z = z_min .. z_max, style = line, color = blue, thickness = 0, grid = [6, 4]); yz := plot3d([x_min, y, z], y = y_min .. y_max, z = z_min .. z_max, style = line, color = blue, thickness = 0, grid = [6, 4]); xy := plot3d([x, y, z_min], x = x_min .. x_max, y = y_min .. y_max, style = line, color = blue, thickness = 0, grid = [6, 6]); plots:-display(plot_f, xz, yz, xy, tickmarks = [6, 6, zticklabels], labels = [x__1, x__2, Error], labeldirections = [horizontal, horizontal, vertical], axes = frame, orientation = [45, 70, 0], view = [0 .. 1, 0 .. 1, 0.3e-9 .. 0.3e-6]) end proc:

x_min := 0:

y_min := 0:


grids(dat, 0, 1, 0, 1);






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@dharr like this figure

Thank you for your reply and follow up
I want the resulting shape of the 3D matrix (file) to be placed in grids codes.
The range of x and y is between 0 and 1 and the range of z is 1/1 e-4 to 1/1 e-10.


grids := proc (f, x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max) local z_min, z_max, plot_f, xz, yz, xy; z_min := 0; z_max := 1; plot_f := plot3d(f, x = x_min .. x_max, y = y_min .. y_max); xz := plot3d([x, y_min, z], x = x_min .. x_max, z = z_min .. z_max, style = line, color = blue, thickness = 0, grid = [6, 6]); yz := plot3d([x_min, y, z], y = y_min .. y_max, z = z_min .. z_max, style = line, color = blue, thickness = 0, grid = [6, 6]); xy := plot3d([x, y, z_min], x = x_min .. x_max, y = y_min .. y_max, style = line, color = blue, thickness = 0, grid = [6, 6]); return plots:-display(plot_f, xz, yz, xy, lightmodel = none, tickmarks = [6, 6, 6], labels = [x, y, "f(x,y)"], labeldirections = [horizontal, horizontal, vertical], axes = frame, view = 0 .. 1) end proc

grids(f, 0, 1, 0, 1)

Warning, expecting only range variables [x, y] in expression f to be plotted but found name f






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Thank you for your answer.
I want the resulting shape of the 3D matrix (file) to be placed in grids codes.
The range of x and y is between 0 and 1 and the range of z is 1/1 e-4 to 1/1 e-10.


grids := proc (f, x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max) local z_min, z_max, plot_f, xz, yz, xy; z_min := 0; z_max := 1; plot_f := plot3d(f, x = x_min .. x_max, y = y_min .. y_max); xz := plot3d([x, y_min, z], x = x_min .. x_max, z = z_min .. z_max, style = line, color = blue, thickness = 0, grid = [6, 6]); yz := plot3d([x_min, y, z], y = y_min .. y_max, z = z_min .. z_max, style = line, color = blue, thickness = 0, grid = [6, 6]); xy := plot3d([x, y, z_min], x = x_min .. x_max, y = y_min .. y_max, style = line, color = blue, thickness = 0, grid = [6, 6]); return plots:-display(plot_f, xz, yz, xy, lightmodel = none, tickmarks = [6, 6, 6], labels = [x, y, "f(x,y)"], labeldirections = [horizontal, horizontal, vertical], axes = frame, view = 0 .. 1) end proc

grids(f, 0, 1, 0, 1)

Warning, expecting only range variables [x, y] in expression f to be plotted but found name f






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@Carl Love I posted twice but unfortunately you deleted my post. PlotTest.xlsx


very very thank you

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