
80 Reputation

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19 years, 298 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by ynakamura

Thank you for your comment. 

OK, I will contact tech. support.

But other sample programs work well...

Thank you for your comment. 

OK, I will contact tech. support.

But other sample programs work well...

Thank you for your consideration, Bill ! Actually, I uses MapleNet on Snow Leopard. First I installed MapleNet to Linux and copy the directory Tomcat/webapps/maplenet to suitable directory on Mac. (I removed the directory on Linux immediately.) Then I rewrote the line for Maple location in the following file. webapps/maplenet/WEB-INF/bin/maplenet_ctl webapps/maplenet/WEB-INF/bin/mserver_shell However Cybernet system told me that there is high possibility to have troubles in that case. What a pity ! I expect future versin of MapleNet.
Hi, I got MapleNet 11.01 and installed it to my server. Worksheets that contain Math Expression Component now work fine ! http://thomas.phys.cs.is.nagoya-u.ac.jp/maplenet/App/int_math.mw Thank you very much. Yasuyuki Nakamura
Hi, I got MapleNet 11.01 and installed it to my server. Worksheets that contain Math Expression Component now work fine ! http://thomas.phys.cs.is.nagoya-u.ac.jp/maplenet/App/int_math.mw Thank you very much. Yasuyuki Nakamura
Thank you very much for your comment, Bill. I will consult with our Maplesoft partner Cybernet about update to MapleNet 11.01. Yasuyuki Nakamura
Thank you very much for your comment, Bill. I will consult with our Maplesoft partner Cybernet about update to MapleNet 11.01. Yasuyuki Nakamura
Thank you for your comment, Will. Yasuyuki Nakamura
I am sorry for not giving important information. I use MapleNet 11 with JDK 1.6.0_03 and Tomcat 5.0.30. Actually, what version of MapleNet is used for mapleoracles.maplesoft.com server ?
I am sorry for not giving important information. I use MapleNet 11 with JDK 1.6.0_03 and Tomcat 5.0.30. Actually, what version of MapleNet is used for mapleoracles.maplesoft.com server ?
Thank you for quick comment, Robert. I could never find delete button, so there seems to be no way to delete it by ourselves, as we expected. Yasuyuki Nakamura
ありがとうございます. 日本語おわかりのようですね. これからもよろしくお願いします. 中村泰之(Yasuyuki NAKAMURA)
Hi, Tom. Thank you very much for your friendly comment. I hope more Japanese come to this site. Yasuyuki Nakamura
Thank you very much for your comment and kindness to allow me to write blogs in Japanese. I thought that Japanese Maple users might come to this site more often if somebody write blogs, forums and so on in Japanese. Ok, I will post blogs in Japanese sometimes. Best wishes, Yasuyuki Nakamura Nagoya University, Japan
The translation of the above my blog is as follows; "This is my first blog. Is writing blog in Japanese against the rule in mapleprimes ?" I think it is improper to write any blog, forum topic and so on in Japanese here. Sorry.
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