
25 Reputation

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14 years, 284 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by zxm20100129

For the solution of this problem and the answer to the causes of errors in my programming, I would like to thank my friends who pay attention to this problem again!

First of all, thank tomleslie 9028 for his answer. I didn't describe my question clearly. I want to write a program to extract the coefficients of multivariable polynomials, which can be realized by a separate remove command, but it is found that the remove command has no effect in writing the program. Why?



Because I want run a Maple package RATH which outputs entirely automatically tanh-polynomial travelling solitary wave solutions ,but the maple soft package was code by Maple v. Ifound the maple soft package didn't work on rencent version of maple, so i want ask for a old version of maple to run the maple package or konw how to run this maple package on recent versions.  The maple soft package named RATH that can be download form  here http://cpc.cs.qub.ac.uk/summaries/ADQK . Thanks all!    peter  01-13-2013

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