It can happen when an operation is interrupted by  that Maple does not return to  and still shows .

This can give the false impression that the Maple server in charge of the evaluation did not get the message to stop whatever it was doing.

By giving Maple an impossible task to solve analytically

f1 := x1 - x1*sin(x1 + 5*x2) - x2*cos(5*x1 - x2);
f2 := x2 - x2*sin(5*x1 - 3*x2) + x1*cos(3*x1 + 5*x2);
solve({f1, f2});

I have noticed in the Windows Task Manager that freeing allocated memory can take much longer than one might think.

In one case it took 30 minutes to free 24 Gb of total allocated memory (21 Gb of it in RAM/physical memory). In this case the interrupt button became active (turned from grey to red ) two times and memory continued piling up  again.

Lessons learned for me:

  • The task manager is not only a valuable indicator for task activity but also for the interruption/memory freeing process.
  • Before killing a whole Maple session and potentially losing the last state of a worksheet it can pay off to wait and repeatedly interrupt an operation.


Suggestion: When the maple server gets an interrupt request, it could report to the GUI that it is in an interruption state and is no longer evaluating input. For example changing the message in the status bar from Evaluating... to Interrupting...

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