MaplePrimes Commons General Technical Discussions

The primary forum for technical discussions.

The latest Maple 17 bashing from Mathematica appears on their comparison webpage.

The first thing that paid my attention in their "comparison" was their comparison of the Mobius project to the Mathematica demonstrations project.  To my knowledge the Mobius project is an extension to application center which I thought was the same as Mathematica demonstration project anyways ???

Anyways anyone have thoughts on this recent comparison?

I've been playing around with power towers and thought my latest might be interesting enough to post.

I used Wolfram Alpha on the big numbers (n=5..50). Some corrected.

What do you think about spliting of single worksheet where code and results are placed into two separate worksheets where code and results of computation are placed separately?

Thank you.

At some point a version of the Maple Player (for the PC, rather than iPad) became available for download from its webpage.

Try to run the following:

>d := conjugate(u)*conjugate(y)+conjugate(v)*conjugate(x);
>z := conjugate(f)/d+conjugate(G)*w*conjugate(w)*conjugate(y)/d;
>z2 := simplify(z);

and you will get correct answer

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Everyone knows that Maple combines a smart user interface with a highly sophisticated mathematical engine, where common tasks are performed quickly and seamlessly with point, click and drag operations. Of equal importance, however, is the fact that Maple is also backed by a comprehensive programming language. Also called "Maple", this language combines elements from procedural languages (like C), functional languages (like Lisp) as well as object oriented languages (like C++...

A few weeks ago, we announced that we had established a partnership with DigiArea, Inc. to bring the Maple IDE to the Maplesoft Web Store.  Development is progressing well, and I'm happy to report that we expect to have the IDE available for download beginning on June 19th.  

On May 17, 2013 I finished a 2,000,000 or more digit computation of the MRB constant, using only around 10GB of RAM. It took 37 days 5 hours 6 minutes 47.1870579 seconds. You can write for the digits.
The program I used was based on Richard E. Crandall's work:
Richard E. Crandall,Unified algorithms for polylogarithm, L-series, and zeta variants(53 pages)

Last week we added a new feature to MaplePrimes that provides the ability to sort the answers to a question by votes (default setting), or by date. Based on a few of your suggestions to that post, we have enhanced this feature today.

First, you now will notice that there are three options for sorting:

  • Sort by votes
  • Sort by date (oldest first)
  • Sort by date (newest first)

I can confirm the bug is present in Opera/Firefox/Chrome and unpredictable. I just successfully posted a reply elsewhere but got a failure here. I'll try again and if it fails will post by "branching out", which seems to work every time.

Consider a signal which is a real sine series, f(x)=2*sin(2*Pi*x) + 5*sin(2*Pi*6*x) + 9*sin(2*Pi*11*x).

Let F(w) be its Fourier transform. Answer F(w) is purely complex and expressed in terms of symbol Dirac.

Maple "plot" fails.

Plots of impulse trains like F(w)=sqrt(Pi)*I*(2*Dirac(w-Pi)+4*Dirac(w-4*Pi)) involve user intervention. Maple won't plot such expressions, because they are DISTRIBUTIONS (not FUNCTIONS).

Try plotting F(w) to see the engine's uninformative error message....

@Carl Love 

Same here, I've tested Opera and Firefox. I haven't bothered trying other browsers because if it doesn't work with Firefox, the most popular browser, it may be considered broken.

But I can branch out alright...


@Carl Love 

Earlier this afternoon we made an update to MaplePrimes to introduce some new features and to squash a few bugs.

The primary purpose of the update was to improve the context around how replies and answers are entered on MaplePrimes. The most significant change you will notice here is that submission/edit boxes now appear inline  under the specific message you are replying to, instead of at the bottom of each page.

Other improvements include:

Dear Maple Users

I am mainly in favor of the new rules concerning subscripts. Using Ctrl+-- (double underscore) it is pretty straight forward to get a literal subscript and it displays much better in the palette Variables than was the case i Maple 16. Also the purple coloring of a variable containing a literal subscript makes sense, because it can be distinguished from the usual subscript (now Ctrl+shift+-). Good that you can remove the coloring in the View Menu (Atomic Variables...

I'm pleased to announce that Maplesoft is working with the team at DigiArea, Inc. to further develop and enhance their Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Maple. When we're done, the IDE will be distributed under the Maplesoft brand, and available for purchase through our Web Store.

The IDE doesn't replace Maple's current user interface, but is instead a separate, specialized environment for developing medium- to large-scale Maple libraries. It includes tools...

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