Maple 12 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 12

Dear All,

I am solving 6 ODE equations with boundary conditions using Runge kutta Felbergh 45 (Maple 12). then, i got this problem.. any suggestion??

Thank you :)


restart; with(plots); M := 3; k = .2; blt := 6; r := 2; l := .1; Pr := 6.8; Ec := 2; N := .5; rho := .5; Tv := .5; Tt := .5; c := 1; cm := .1; cp := .1

Eq1 := diff(f(eta), eta, eta, eta)+f(eta)*(diff(f(eta), eta, eta))-(diff(f(eta), eta))^2-M*(diff(f(eta), eta))+B*H(eta)*(F(eta)-(diff(f(eta), eta))) = 0;

diff(diff(diff(f(eta), eta), eta), eta)+f(eta)*(diff(diff(f(eta), eta), eta))-(diff(f(eta), eta))^2-3*(diff(f(eta), eta))+B*H(eta)*(F(eta)-(diff(f(eta), eta))) = 0


Eq2 := G(eta)*(diff(F(eta), eta))+F(eta)^2+B*(F(eta)-(diff(f(eta), eta))) = 0;

G(eta)*(diff(F(eta), eta))+F(eta)^2+B*(F(eta)-(diff(f(eta), eta))) = 0


Eq3 := G(eta)*(diff(G(eta), eta))+B*(f(eta)+G(eta)) = 0;

G(eta)*(diff(G(eta), eta))+B*(f(eta)+G(eta)) = 0


Eq4 := G(eta)*(diff(H(eta), eta))+H(eta)*(diff(G(eta), eta))+F(eta)*H(eta) = 0;

G(eta)*(diff(H(eta), eta))+H(eta)*(diff(G(eta), eta))+F(eta)*H(eta) = 0


Eq5 := diff(theta(eta), eta, eta)+Pr*(f(eta)*(diff(theta(eta), eta))-2*(diff(f(eta), eta))*theta(eta))+N*Pr*(theta1(eta)-theta(eta))/(rho*c*Tt)+N*Pr*Ec*(F(eta)-(diff(f(eta), eta)))^2/(rho*Tv) = 0;

diff(diff(theta(eta), eta), eta)+6.8*f(eta)*(diff(theta(eta), eta))-13.6*(diff(f(eta), eta))*theta(eta)+13.60000000*theta1(eta)-13.60000000*theta(eta)+27.20000000*(F(eta)-(diff(f(eta), eta)))^2 = 0


Eq6 := 2*F(eta)*theta1(eta)+G(eta)*(diff(theta1(eta), eta))+cp*(theta1(eta)-theta(eta))/(c*cm*Tt) = 0;

2*F(eta)*theta1(eta)+G(eta)*(diff(theta1(eta), eta))+2.000000000*theta1(eta)-2.000000000*theta(eta) = 0


bcs1 := f(0) = r, (D(f))(0) = -1, (D(f))(blt) = 0, F(blt) = 0, G(blt) = -f(blt), H(blt) = k, theta(0) = 1, theta(blt) = 0, theta1(blt) = 0;

f(0) = 2, (D(f))(0) = -1, (D(f))(6) = 0, F(6) = 0, G(6) = -f(6), H(6) = k, theta(0) = 1, theta(6) = 0, theta1(6) = 0


L := [0.1e-2];



for k to 1 do R := dsolve(eval({Eq1, Eq2, Eq3, Eq4, Eq5, Eq6, bcs1}, B = L[k]), [f(eta), F(eta), G(eta), H(eta), theta(eta), theta1(eta)], numeric, output = listprocedure); Y || k := rhs(R[2]); YP || k := rhs(R[3]); YR || k := rhs(R[4]); YQ || k := rhs(R[5]) end do

Error, (in dsolve/numeric/bvp) initial Newton iteration is not converging





print([(YP || (1 .. 1))(0)]);




P1 := plot([YP || (1 .. 1)], 0 .. 14, labels = [eta, (D(f))(eta)]):

Warning, unable to evaluate the function to numeric values in the region; see the plotting command's help page to ensure the calling sequence is correct







I'd like to plot the following inequalities:





Im solving 4 ODE equations with BC. im trying to shoot the initial value but im having this error:

""Error, (in isolate) cannot isolate for a function when it appears with different arguments""

anyone could help me???



Shootlib := "E:\\shooting/":

libname := Shootlib, libname:



n := 2:

FNS := {F(eta), H(eta), f(eta), g(eta), u(eta), v(eta)}:

ODE := {g(eta)*(diff(g(eta), eta))+B*(f(eta)+g(eta)) = 0, g(eta)*(diff(F(eta), eta))+F(eta)^2+B*(F(eta)-u(eta)) = 0, g(eta)*(diff(H(eta), eta))+H(eta)*(diff(g(eta), eta))+F(eta)*H(eta) = 0, diff(v(eta), eta)+f(eta)*v(eta)-u(eta)^2+B*H(eta)*(F(eta)-u(eta))-M*u(eta) = 0, diff(f(eta), eta) = u(eta), diff(u(eta), eta) = v(eta)};

{g(eta)*(diff(H(eta), eta))+H(eta)*(diff(g(eta), eta))+F(eta)*H(eta) = 0, g(eta)*(diff(g(eta), eta))+0.2e-1*f(eta)+0.2e-1*g(eta) = 0, g(eta)*(diff(F(eta), eta))+F(eta)^2+0.2e-1*F(eta)-0.2e-1*u(eta) = 0, diff(v(eta), eta)+f(eta)*v(eta)-u(eta)^2+0.2e-1*H(eta)*(F(eta)-u(eta))-3*u(eta) = 0, diff(f(eta), eta) = u(eta), diff(u(eta), eta) = v(eta)}


IC := {F(0) = gamma, H(0) = Q, f(0) = 0, g(0) = z, u(0) = 1, v(0) = alpha};

{F(0) = gamma, H(0) = Q, f(0) = 0, g(0) = z, u(0) = 1, v(0) = alpha}


BC := {F(L) = 0, H(L) = n, g(L) = -f(L), u(L) = 0};

{F(6) = 0, H(6) = 2, g(6) = -f(6), u(6) = 0}


infolevel[shoot] := 1:

S := shoot(ODE, IC, BC, FNS, [alpha = 0, gamma = 0, z = -.2, Q = 0])

Error, (in isolate) cannot isolate for a function when it appears with different arguments





hello dear freinds

im new comer in maple.

i want to find  particular solution of an ode by following code:

ode := diff(u[1](t), t, t)+u[1](t) = -(1/4)*a^3*cos(3*beta[0]+3*t)-(3/4)*a^3*cos(beta[0]+t)

m := combine(convert(particularsol(ode), trig))

but maple solution is : m := u[1](t) = (81/32)*a^3*cos(-3*beta[0]+t)-(81/16)*a^3*cos(3*beta[0]+t)-(3/8)*a^3*t*sin(beta[0]+t)+(3/16)*a^3*cos(-beta[0]+t)-(27/16)*a^3*cos(beta[0]+t)+(1/32)*a^3*cos(3*beta[0]+3*t)

but  particular solution is :

u[1](t) = -(3/8)*a^3*t*sin(beta[0]+t)+(1/32)*a^3*cos(3*beta[0]+3*t)

is there any idear for finding the solution?

thanks in advance

following commands on my computer got an error.

Error, (in SWcallhybrid[1]) param 4 should be an rtable

any suggestion is appreciated.

win7, 12.02

Dear all,

I want to know how can I solve a fourth or higher order equation to find out its roots, actually coefficients of each power terms itself are functins of other parameters not constant.

Please reply as soon as possible, as this is very urgent,


I have a formula, which is called the cube law. It requires input between 0 <= x <= 1. When creating  a procedure I run into all kinds of problems and get nothing but error codes. Trying to use assume works, it puts a tilde mark on the variable x, but doesn't restrict the input. Here is the formula the way it is writtin in a book on calculus:

f(x) := x^3/x^3+(1-x)^3 (0 <= x <= 1).

Trying to restrict the input to be restricted as required by the relational statement has been proven fruitless.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks,


> restart;
> with(plots);
> Eq1 := diff(f(eta), eta, eta, eta)+f(eta)*(diff(f(eta), eta, eta))-2*(diff(f(eta), eta))^2-M^2*(diff(f(eta), eta)) = 0;
/ d / d / d \\\ / d / d \\
|----- |----- |----- f(eta)||| + f(eta) |----- |----- f(eta)||
\ deta \ deta \ deta /// \ deta \ deta //

/ d \ 2 / d \
- 2 |----- f(eta)| - M |----- f(eta)| = 0
\ deta / \ deta /
> Eq2 := 1+(4/3)*R*(diff(theta(eta), eta, eta))+Pr*(f(eta)*(diff(theta(eta), eta))-(diff(f(eta), eta))*theta(eta)) = 0;
4 / d / d \\
1 + - R |----- |----- theta(eta)||
3 \ deta \ deta //

/ / d \ / d \ \
+ Pr |f(eta) |----- theta(eta)| - |----- f(eta)| theta(eta)| = 0
\ \ deta / \ deta / /
> bcs1 := f(0) = S, (D(f))(0) = 1+L*G, (D(D(f)))(0) = .1, f(6) = 0;
f(0) = S, D(f)(0) = 1 + L G, @@(D, 2)(f)(0) = 0.1, f(6) = 0
> fixedparameter := [S = .1, M = .1];
[S = 0.1, M = 0.1]
> Eq3 := eval(Eq1, fixedparameter);
/ d / d / d \\\ / d / d \\
|----- |----- |----- f(eta)||| + f(eta) |----- |----- f(eta)||
\ deta \ deta \ deta /// \ deta \ deta //

/ d \ / d \
- 2 |----- f(eta)| - 0.01 |----- f(eta)| = 0
\ deta / \ deta /
> fixedparameter := [R = .1, Pr = .7];
[R = 0.1, Pr = 0.7]
> Eq4 := eval(Eq2, fixedparameter);
/ d / d \\ / d \
1 + 0.1333333333 |----- |----- theta(eta)|| + 0.7 f(eta) |----- theta(eta)|
\ deta \ deta // \ deta /

/ d \
- 0.7 |----- f(eta)| theta(eta) = 0
\ deta /
> bcs2 := theta(0) = 1+T*B, (D(theta))(6) = B, theta(6) = 0;
theta(0) = 1 + T B, D(theta)(6) = B, theta(6) = 0

> T := .1; B := .1;
> L := [0., .1, .2, .3];
[0., 0.1, 0.2, 0.3]
> for k to 4 do R := dsolve(eval({Eq3, Eq4, bcs1, bcs2}, L = L[k]), [f(eta), theta(eta)], numeric, output = listprocedure); Y || k := rhs(R[2]); YL || k := rhs(R[3]) end do;
Error, (in dsolve/numeric/bvp/convertsys) too many boundary conditions: expected 6, got 7
> plot([YL || (1 .. 4)], 0 .. 6, 1 .. -.2, labels = [eta, diff(f(eta), eta)]);




i am solving 3 ODE with boundary condition.. with boundary condition

Maple Worksheet - Error

Failed to load the worksheet /maplenet/convert/ .



then i got this error

Error, (in dsolve/numeric/bvp) initial Newton iteration is not converging

i dont know where i need to change.. could you help me..






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