Maple 18 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 18



I am pretty new to Maple and Im trying to find the parameters of an equation using some kind of fit routine but I can only find such a routine to fit an expression to data and not vice versa.

my equation is as follows


epsilon(E):= a0 + a1*ln(E) + a2*ln(E)^2 + a3*ln(E)^3


I do have data for E which I imagine I need. 


E:= {121, 244, 344, 411, 444, 778, 867, 964, 1085, 1112, 1212, 1299, 1408} all in keV :)


Any suggestions/help would be much appreciated, although I am new to the program so go easy on me :) 




Hi Mr Preben Alsholm .

i before asked you about a i have another question...

for determine unknown parameter oemega(or eigenvalue) according to line ''newsys2 := subs(omega^2 = omega2*10^5,newsys)'' and also line ''approxsoln = [omega2 = 1, f(x) = x^2*(1-x)^2]''

power (5) in term'' 10^5''  in  (omega2*10^5,newsys) and initial guess (1)  (omega2 = 1) are very effective on final result eigenvalues .sometimes gain different eigenvalues ,which it is not impossible recognize that

which one is correct and convege.however i need Positive

 eigenvalue that is minimum between them,If and only if , it converge after
some iteration in two section of maple file which is attached as

  According to my code converge occuerd until  eigenvalue gained in first section (before line `11` := ((1+6*alpha2)*(1/12))*(int(fy11^2, x = 0 .. 1))...........) are equal with those obtain in second section .(please see below file for example

it is necessary mention that between section 1 and 2 is relations.for example amont of first obtained eigenvalue which obtain from first section must be repleaced in line ''approxsoln = [omega2 = 0.661514014001420, h(theta) = theta^2*(1-theta)^2]...........''in second section,

and this procedure should be continued between section 1 and 2 until convergence with desired accuracy occurred.Another relate is that,the first ODE system  can be solved using the first set of boundary data to obtain first estimate for  second section (fy11). At the next step by repeating in the same manner, 

this time by obtained function (g) at the end of maple code (Solution of the second ODE system  with second set of boundary conditions leads to the first estimate of function g),that at this stage, the first iteration is completed.

Now by replacing omega2 which is determined in this section in to the first section ,fy11 is updated and gained Further.

Next, the updated function , by continuing the iterative procedure.

in matlab bvp4c rule is used for this this impossible in maple software ?if not please help me for solve and gain correct omega..

thanks alot

I am doing a Calculus assignment and I can't find the commands for certain things.

1.Given the function f(x) = ((x+1)^2) / (1+x^2)

i) The domain of continuity of f(x)

ii) The intervals of increase and decrease of f(x) by using test points.


2. Use the IVT to prove existence of a root to the equation x^3 +10x^2 -100x +50=0 in the interval [-20,10]. Use again the IVT to show that there is a 1st root in [-17,-15], a 2nd toot in [0,1] and a 3rd root in [ 5,6]. Find or approximate those roots with Maple. (the bolded is what I need help).



I am working on a Windows machine. In older Maple versions, decreasing the font size for the screen display (via zoom factor) also decreased the font size for the printout. But now the printout comes with a pretty large font size and does not change when using the zoom factor. It practically makes no sense anymore to print. How can I decrease the fonts for the printout to my liking?



Hello altogether,

I want to plot the numerical result of an ODE, which seems to be pretty simple at first sight, but the difficulty is that the boundaries are depending on the solution.

The following pseudo-code describes what I want to have, but it doesn't work. This code fills the RAM pretty fast and you will have to kill the process.

Is it possible to calculate a solution to this problem numerically (or even analytically) and if yes, how?

Since I am new here, I am sorry for any bad-to-read maple code or any noob errors I have made. I would be very thankful, for any response and help.



hi.i have problem for dsolve equation.please help me again


I am trying to use Maple 18 to do some computations with matrices over a ring of polynomials in one variable over the integers $\mathbb{Z}[x]$, or the corresponding field of fractions $\mathbb{Q}(x)$.


The matrices in question are of dimension approximately 5000 and are sparse. The algorithm requires at least as many matrix multiplications as the dimension of the space.

Doing some small examples, of dimension 674, with a laptop (i7-3520 M CPU @2.9GHz with 8GB of Ram) gave the following disappointing result:




When a colleague with access to a Mathematica license performed an identical calculation using sparse matrices in Mathematica, we found that Mathematica performed the calcuation in fractions of a second.


In small dimensional examples, constructing the matrices over the field of fractions as sparse in Maple 18 resulted in a four fold decrease in the already disappointing performance of the LinearAlgebra package in Maple 18.


Is there any way to improve the computational performance of Maple 18 for symbolic linear algebra? Alternatively, is the performance of Maple 2015 for symbolic linear algebra noticably better than Maple 18?


Thanks in advance.




Hi everyone,

I would like to create an eBook with the pakage "eBookTools", but I have got several errors if in my mw document there is a table. The same error came out if I try to compile a book with the sample documents (""). Anyone knows a solution?

Thank you for your time








hi.may  help me for solve this nonlinear equations by numeric solver maple39.d39.pdfocx39.pdf

thanks alot

file format is pdf and word type


I'm writing an algorithm that takes a while and I'd like to print status messages periodically. I typically use the command line interface, and this is no problem. I just do a printf whenever I need.

However, some people who will use this code prefer to use the GUI, and I've found that the GUI tends to buffer the output from printf, printing 20-30 printf statements in clumps instead of as they're called. Is there any remedy for this?

Trying to get this function to work in Maple 18 


I am trying to creat a way to solve matrix differential equations step by step.


I have started to use Maple 18 and I have found that my scale starts at 2.*10^16 for all functions I graph no matter if its 3D or 2D. Is there a way to change this scale?

Dears, When I run calculation in Maple I found an error in matrices. See the file


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