Maple 2016 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 2016

Dear all!.       

I have an expression with ramdom variables. Can i use NLP to optimize it?. In this case, does Maple take the histogram of theses ramdom variables?. Thank!!!

What is the difference between the Expression Palette and the Layout Palette? First I thought that the Layout Palette is supporting the entering of names with e.g. sub- and superscripts, but I learned (the hard way) that the templates of the Layout Palette are "mathematically active".

What is the meaning of the colours green and violett in both palettes?

Dear Community,

Would someone have a good and easy to understand/implement description of the Den Iseger algorithm for the numerical inversion of Laplace transform? Even better if someone would have a Maple script to do it, that would be superb.

Tx in advance,

best regards


I updated the OSX from El Capitan 10.11 to Sierra 10.12.

After then, whenever I try to input Japanese characters, Internal Error notification appears, and it crashes.
As it is not realistic to go back to the old OS, as the time when I did back up was a little before, I wouldn't do so.
Then, I might end up torelating not using Japanese until the next version of maple appears next year.
Are the situations like this ?

I know there might not be any response as this is about inputting Japanese characters.

Best wishes.


Is anyone running the 2016.1a patch on ubuntu 16.04?

A fresh installation starts up and works, but after I install the patch the installation seems broken:

cd /usr/local/maple2016/bin
/usr/local/maple2016/bin.X86_64_LINUX/mserver: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
maple: could not start mserver

it looks like my installation does not have I can see these however:

running xmaple has maple open, then stay unresponsive.

Here is the upgrade file, i've been trying to use:
md5sum ./
7502caaa65cc623d5d2574823eee9343  ./

Has anyone else encountered this problem?

Hello everybody!

Please help me to solve the attached partial differential equation. I am getting an error. I do have its analytical solution and that works fine.

The error is as follows
Error, (in pdsolve/numeric/plot) unable to compute solution for t>HFloat(0.0):
solution becomes undefined, problem may be ill posed or method may be ill suited to solution

The worksheet is attached

Hi All,

When doing retart in a saved workbook get a no read access error link (see partial screen shot below). When the link is followed the message is there is no help for this error.

I am using Windows 10 64 bit and have full administrative prilvilages so I not sure what the problem is.

I have the same issue when I upload to the cloud.

In spite of message I can still do computations.

Any help in understanding this will be greatly appreciated.





Hi all,

I was wondering how to go about validating some airfoil designs for my Formula SAE team's CFD results.  I know this is more common with simplier calculations but I'm hoping using Maple and maybe the new algebraic manipulation of non-comunitive differential operators, I could achive what I am after.   The two calculations of interest are the drag force and downforce.  Can someone shed some light? Thanks

Hello people in mapleprimes,

I think that I found a bug.

Using the screen opened with command + f, I tried to find a v__1211 in the file I appended here.

But, when the cursor is trapped on an output part, which is a blue part, maple wouldn't continue to find the next

v__1211 anymore even if I clicked the Find Next on the screen.

If I move the cursol one line below with a hand, the Find Next butttons works again, but it is intricate.

Isn't there any good way to avoid this trouble other than not using double _, that is __.?

I hope you will give me some hint.


P.S. I clicked the above link and opened that file with maple. Then, the notification telling that this is read-only file and

you cannot save this file after some modification, appeared. I don't know whether there is any problem. 

Does appending a maple file on a post on this mapleprimes always done in such a way? i can extract Coefficients  (i.e. {f1[2],f2[2],f2[3],f3[2],.....f3[6]}) from every algebric equations and create matrix A ,in form AX=0, (X are f1[2],f2[2],f2[3],f3[2],.....f3[6] ) then the determinant of the matrix of coefficients (A) set to zero for obtaining unknown parameter omega.?

Note that  if m=3 then 6 equations is appeare and if m=4 then 9 equations is appeare.thus i need a procedure that works for every arbitary value of ''m''.

in attached file below m=4 thus we have 9 equations, i.e. 3 for eq1[k_] and 3 for eq2[k_] and so on...

also we should use boundary conditions for some amount of fi[j] (i=1,2,3 and j=2,3,...,7)

be extacting above Coefficients for example from first equation ,

''**:= (1/128)*f1[2]*omega^2-(1/4)*f2[2]-(1/2)*f2[3]+(1/4)*f2[4]+(1/4)*f3[2]-(1/2)*f3[3]+(1/4)*f3[4]+140*f1[2]-80*f1[3]+20*f1[4]'''

must compute

coeff(**, f1[2]); coeff(**, f2[2]) and so on...




 ############################Define some parameters


restart; Digits := 15; A1 := 10; A2 := 10; A3 := 10; A4 := 1; A5 := 1; A6 := 1; A7 := 1; A8 := 1; A9 := 1; A10 := 1; A11 := 1; B1 := 10; B2 := 10; B3 := 10; B4 := 1; B5 := 1; B6 := 1; B7 := 1; B8 := 1; B9 := 1; B10 := 1; B11 := 1; C1 := 10; C2 := 10; C3 := 10; C4 := 1; C5 := 1; C6 := 1; C7 := 1; C8 := 1; C9 := 1; C10 := 1; C11 := 1; C12 := 1; C13 := 1; C14 := 1; C15 := 1; C16 := 1; A12 := 1; B12 := 1; C18 := 1; C17 := 1; C19 := 1; n := 1; U := proc (x, theta) options operator, arrow; f1(x)*cos(n*theta) end proc; V := proc (x, theta) options operator, arrow; f2(x)*sin(n*theta) end proc; W := proc (x, theta) options operator, arrow; f3(x)*cos(n*theta) end proc; n := 1; m := 4; len := 1; h := len/m; nn := m+1
 ############################Define some equation

eq1[k_] := -2*f1[k]*(-A11*n^4+A10*n^2+A12*omega^2)*h^4+(A6*(f2[k-1]-f2[k+1])*n^3+A9*(f3[k-1]-f3[k+1])*n^2-A5*(f2[k-1]-f2[k+1])*n-A8*(f3[k-1]-f3[k+1]))*h^3+(4*(f1[k]-(1/2)*f1[k-1]-(1/2)*f1[k+1]))*(A3*n^2-A2)*h^2+(-A4*(f2[k-2]-2*f2[k-1]+2*f2[k+1]-f2[k+2])*n-A7*(f3[k-2]-2*f3[k-1]+2*f3[k+1]-f3[k+2]))*h+12*A1*(f1[k]+(1/6)*f1[k-2]-(2/3)*f1[k-1]-(2/3)*f1[k+1]+(1/6)*f1[k+2]):





                                     ######################################  APPLY BOUNDARY CONDITIONS

f1[nn+1] := f1[m]:

for k from 2 to m do eq1[k_]; eq2[k_]; eq3[k_] end do






In a Maple Primes reply by Joel Riel on Sept. 14, 2011 he included the following command referring to warnings issued from a dsolve, numeric command having events containing a halt action:

_Env_in_maplet := true:  # incantation to suppress integrator warnings

Where can if find explanatory help for his command and any others of a similar nature?

I was learning about Maple, but I do not understand this code below. This does not look correct.

When I type it on my worksheet, I get these errors



Sometimes I wonder if any one at Maplesoft actually looks at their own help web pages and try to use them, or is just the poor users who do that.


Is there a way to automatically convert and paste my clipboard contents as 2D math?

hi..when i use rule [for] in maple code i encounter error'''''

Error, (in dsolve/numeric/process_input) input system must be an ODE system, found {f1(x), f2(x), f3(x), ApproximateInt(-4*cos(theta)^2, theta = 0. .. 1, method = simpson), ApproximateInt(4*cos(theta)^2, theta = 0. .. 1, method = simpson), ApproximateInt(8*cos(theta)^2, theta = 0. .. 1, method = simpson)}''''''''

please help me for remove it

i want for different beta for example beta=0, 40 and 80 this lines will computed three times  

 ''with(Student[Calculus1]); a1 := ApproximateInt(g1*g1, theta = a .. 1, method = simpson); a2 := ApproximateInt(2*(g1*g1)+3*g1*(diff(g1, theta, theta)), theta = a .. 1, method = simpson).......................''          

 by {for i from 1 by 1 to 3 do } and final gain ''ITRA_1_W[m] := eval(fy33*g3, fixedparameter)'' that have 3 amount.

when i use  rule {for i from 1 by 1 to 3 do ...  }   integral not computed and showed for example:::

a1=ApproximateInt(4*cos(theta)^2, theta = 0. .. 1, method = simpson)!!!!!!!!


I read a posting by Mr. Stephen Forrest on Thingiverse about using the exportplot command to export a 3D plot as a .stl file. I have a 3D printer and need the convert the plot from the Maple file into an .stl file.

Here is the posting I am referencing:


I was able to follow the commands successfully in the referenced paper for a hyperboloid or revolution that I plotted in Maple - it was very helpful. However, I could not figure out how to access the temporary .stl file that was created so that I could open it using my 3D printer's software.

My question is: Once I execute the "exportplot(stl, hyprev)" command that I inputted, how can I find the file in the Temporary Directory in order to open it from the software I use for my 3D printer?

I would appreciate any further details you can provide for accessing the temporary .stl file I created in order to be able to print the object.

Thank you!

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