Maple 2019 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 2019






How I can edit and apply the following conditions to my plot functions 

`######   I want to change q  (starting from 0.3) from 0.3 by .001 to 0.377 and plot 2D (u-q) ,(v,q), (u,v) and  plot3D (u,v,q)`


`######   I want to change q (starting from 0.37727) from 0.37727 by .001 to 0.390059 and h from 0.1 by .001 to 0.138462  and plot 2D (h-q)  and  plot3D (u,h,q),(v,h,q)`

I couldn't attach my file here, so I uploaded that here



I am studying nonlinear differential equations, and came across an interesting one on maple's help page.  I made a post about this equation already, but I have decided to make a new post because the topic is slightly different than from the previous post.

The topic of this post is:

"Can numerical methods and exact, implicit techniques find false solutions?"

To make the discussion clearer, the rest of this post can be found in the maple file I created.

Hi to all community. I am trying to integrate a lengthy-expression but could not get the result after waiting of 1 and 2 hours even. is there any way to control such integration



A very simple question (by example):

Consider two polynomials g and h:





What is the syntax for computing the composition of g with h? (As a polynomial.)

For instance, I would like to use CoefficientList on the result.


I know the @ operator and the subs command and have tried using them in various ways, but with no success.

(Of course, my question is general; the above is just an example.)


Edit: Additional question (which is my real question):

I'm writing a procedure that takes two polynomials g and h, and in which I define an unknown polynomial f. I want to compute its coefficients so that

f "composition" g = h

I write:

fCoeff:=seq(a[i],i=0..t) (to define the unknown coefficients. I can compute t.)

f := FromCoefficientList([fCoeff],x);

Then I would like to do something like:

comCoeff:=CoefficientList(f "composition" g,x)

If I have this, then I know how to solve for the unkown coefficients in f.

Given a metric, to compute quantities in the NP formalism one needs to specify a null tetrad. In the various examples in the help pages, sometimes the tetrad is specified simply as a list of 4 vectors, e.g., NT := [...] and sometimes evalDG is applied as in NT := evalDG({...]). Using the first format, Maple accepted NT as argument in NPSpinCoefficients but  NPCurvatureScalars(SpinCoefficients,NT) complained that the second argument wasn't a list of four vectors. When I used the second format, both commands returned the expected results. Why the difference?

How I can plot3d function s. in the domain x ,y from -1300 to 200.


"restart;   #`    x__A`=-1300..200,      `y__A`=-1300..200    u1:=(((`x__A`-200)^(2)+(`y__A`^())^(2))*0.001)/(960000);   if  u1<=0.001  then w(u1):=-0.5772-ln(u1);  else if u1>0.001  then w(u1):=-0.5772-ln(u1)+u1-((u1)^(2))/(2*2!)+((u1)^(3))/(3*3!)-((u1)^(4))/(4*4!)+((u1)^(5))/(5*5!)-((u1)^(6))/(6*6!)+((u1)^(7))/(7*7!)-((u1)^(8))/(8*8!)+((u1)^(9))/(9*9!)-((u1)^(10))/(10*10!)+((u1)^(11))/(11*11!)-((u1)^(12))/(12*12!);     end if"

Error, invalid 'if' statement

"restart;      u1:=(((`x__A`-200)^2+(`y__A`)^2)*0.001)/960000;   if u1<=0.001  then w:=(u1)->-0.5772-ln(u1);  elseif u1>0.001  then w(u1):=-0.5772-ln(u1)+u1-((u1)^2)/(2*2!)+((u1)^3)/(3*3!)-((u1)^4)/(4*4!)+((u1)^5)/(5*5!)-((u1)^6)/(6*6!)+((u1)^7)/(7*7!)-((u1)^8)/(8*8!)+((u1)^9)/(9*9!)-((u1)^10)/(10*10!)+((u1)^11)/(11*11!)-((u1)^12)/(12*12!);     end if"


s := 6.87*10^(-3)*w(u1); plot3d(s, x__A = -1300 .. 200, y__A = -1300 .. 200)




Hello. I want to use the command verify but with two variables. For example:

verify(x^2 + y^2, 0, {'greater_equal'});

but I get FAIL as an answer. I tried adding before the verify command assume(x, 'real'); assume(y, 'real');

but notihng changed.


Thanks for any help.

Dear people in mapleprims,

I haven't used maple for a long time.
By the way, I tried to modify a denominator part in an fractional expression, but I couldn't.

Original expression is 


#And, I want to change this to the form


How can I do this?

Thank you in advance.

taro yamada



I have managed to create the following plot.  It won't plot on the site's plotter:

fieldplot([1, y^2 + x], x = -10 .. 10, y = -6 .. 6, fieldstrength = fixed, color = abs(y^2 + x + 1))

I am trying to assign a colour gradient to the different vectors based on vector magnitude.  In the color option, I entered color= expresssion for the magnitude of the vectors


This only half worked.  It currently scales the colours such that the largest and smallest vectors are the same colour.  How do I assign a gradient such that the small magnitude vectors are one colour, and they then transition to another colour as their magnitude gets larger?



Hello. I am trying to solve this system of equations but I can't get Maple to show all solutions.

I have solve the system by hand and there are two more solutions (x=x, y=1) and (x=x, y=-1).


Thanks for any help !


Hello. I want to solve a 2X2 system using Maple. I have written this code but I do not get expected results.


F := -1 - y - exp(x);
G := x^2 + y*(exp(x) - 1);

sol1 := eliminate({F, G}, {x, y});

sol1 := [{x = RootOf(-exp(_Z)^2 + _Z^2 + 1), y = -exp(RootOf(-exp(_Z)^2 + _Z^2 + 1)) - 1}, {}]

But, the solutions are x=0 and y=-2 (I have solved the system by hand).


Any help?!

I have a parametric polynomial which is defined based on the multiplication of different variables and I want to rearrange the polynomial based on specific variables. For example, suppose the polynomial is defined as follows:

a:= (1+x+y)(2x-yx+z)(y^2-zy)

and I want to have a based on first, and second orders of x, or even other variables. Thanks

Hi so ive been working on a few codes making Eulers method and RungeKutta and Taylor Series (second order) and I cant figure out why my code is giving me a weird output? I will attach my maple files here, I can post more information if you'd like. Also have no idea how to start for taylor series so any help with code on that would be appreciated!



euler1 := proc (f, a, b, alpha, h, N) local i, t, w; i := 1; t := a; w := alpha; while i <= N do w := w+h*f(t, w); t := a+i*h; i := i+1 end do; [w] end proc

proc (f, a, b, alpha, h, N) local i, t, w; i := 1; t := a; w := alpha; while i <= N do w := w+h*f(t, w); t := a+i*h; i := i+1 end do; [w] end proc


euler1(e^(5*3-y), 0, 3, .5, .2, 2)

[.5+.2*e(0, .5)^(15-y(0, .5))+.2*e(.2, .5+.2*e(0, .5)^(15-y(0, .5)))^(15-y(.2, .5+.2*e(0, .5)^(15-y(0, .5))))]







RK4 := proc (f, a, b, alpha, h, N) local t, w, i, k1, k2, k3, k4; i := 1; t := a; w := alpha; while i <= N do k1 := h*f(t, w); k2 := h*f(t+(1/2)*h, w+(1/2)*k1); k3 := h*f(t+(1/2)*h, w+(1/2)*k2); k4 := h*f(t+h, w+k3); w := w+(1/6)*k1+(1/3)*k2+(1/3)*k3+(1/6)*k4; t := a+i*h; i := i+1 end do; [w] end proc

proc (f, a, b, alpha, h, N) local t, w, i, k1, k2, k3, k4; i := 1; t := a; w := alpha; while i <= N do k1 := h*f(t, w); k2 := h*f(t+(1/2)*h, w+(1/2)*k1); k3 := h*f(t+(1/2)*h, w+(1/2)*k2); k4 := h*f(t+h, w+k3); w := w+(1/6)*k1+(1/3)*k2+(1/3)*k3+(1/6)*k4; t := a+i*h; i := i+1 end do; [w] end proc


RK4(exp(5*3-y), 0, 3, .5, .2, 1)

[.5+0.3333333333e-1*(exp(15-y))(0, .5)+0.6666666667e-1*(exp(15-y))(.1000000000, .5+.1000000000*(exp(15-y))(0, .5))+0.6666666667e-1*(exp(15-y))(.1000000000, .5+.1000000000*(exp(15-y))(.1000000000, .5+.1000000000*(exp(15-y))(0, .5)))+0.3333333333e-1*(exp(15-y))(.2, .5+.2*(exp(15-y))(.1000000000, .5+.1000000000*(exp(15-y))(.1000000000, .5+.1000000000*(exp(15-y))(0, .5))))]






I have an assignment for Q that after subsequent other assignments and substitutions  results in 

-XC1*R1^2/((R1^2 + XC1^2)*(R1*XC1^2/(R1^2 + XC1^2) + 12960.54302))


when I type Q.


I would like to solve this for XC1, for values of Q that make  XC1 is real. 

How do I do this?  Can I rearrange this assignment?   

I guess I could do something like this:

eq1:= -XC1*R1^2/((R1^2 + XC1^2)*(R1*XC1^2/(R1^2 + XC1^2) + 12960.54302))


but Q as a function of XC1 is a derived from other relationships.


The worksheet probably makes what I'm asking more clear.    I was able to get the result, but I'm sure there is a better, more elegant  way to do what I needed to do...





Series-Parallel Conversion Equations as a function of Q


Q = Xs/Rs = Rp/Xp;


Rp := Rs*(Q^2 + 1);



Impedance Transpormation Equations

Rp := proc (Rs, Xs) options operator, arrow; (Rs^2+Xs^2)/Rs end proc

Xp := proc (Rs, Xs) options operator, arrow; (Rs^2+Xs^2)/Xs end proc

Rs := proc (Rp, Xp) options operator, arrow; Rp*Xp^2/(Rp^2+Xp^2) end proc

Xs := proc (Rp, Xp) options operator, arrow; Xp*Rp^2/(Rp^2+Xp^2) end proc


zL := 1.343+I*131.925




XL0p := Xp(Re(zL), Im(zL))



RLp := Rp(Re(zL), Im(zL))



QLp := RLp/XLp



XC2 := -XL0p



Q := XL1/(R1s+RLp)



R1s := Rs(R1, XC1)



XC1s := Xs(R1, XC1)



XL1 := -XC1s







tmp1 := solve(-XC1*R1^2/((R1^2+XC1^2)*(R1*XC1^2/(R1^2+XC1^2)+12960.54302)) = Tmp, XC1)

(-25000.*R1+(-0.3240135755e14*R1*Tmp^2+625000000.*R1^2-0.4199391884e18*Tmp^2)^(1/2))*R1/(Tmp*(50000.*R1+648027151.)), -1.*(25000.*R1+(-0.3240135755e14*R1*Tmp^2+625000000.*R1^2-0.4199391884e18*Tmp^2)^(1/2))*R1/(Tmp*(50000.*R1+648027151.))



{R1, Tmp, (-0.3240135755e14*R1*Tmp^2+625000000.*R1^2-0.4199391884e18*Tmp^2)^(1/2)}


simplify(solve(op(3, indets(numer(tmp1[1])))^2 > 0, Tmp, parametric))

piecewise(R1 <= -8398783768000/648027151, [[Tmp = Tmp]], R1 < 0, [[50*5^(1/2)*R1/(648027151*R1+8398783768000)^(1/2) < Tmp, Tmp < -50*5^(1/2)*R1/(648027151*R1+8398783768000)^(1/2)]], R1 = 0, [], 0 < R1, [[-50*5^(1/2)*R1/(648027151*R1+8398783768000)^(1/2) < Tmp, Tmp < 50*5^(1/2)*R1/(648027151*R1+8398783768000)^(1/2)]])







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