Maple 2020 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 2020


I encountered a few problems. One is that in the first section, I wanted to use the definition above instead of f (s ) and g (s ), which means that when the variable changes under the integral sign, it should detect and replace it.

And the next is that in the Equality section, I should sort by p and set the coefficients to zero. And then, for example, solve for the zero power of p and get the value of f0 and use it in subsequent solutions. Can you help me?




diff(f(t), t)-1-t-t^2-g(t)-(int(f(s)+g(s), s = 0 .. t)) = 0


diff(g(t), t)+1+t-f(t)+int(f(s)-g(s), s = 0 .. t) = 0











(1-p)*(diff(f[0](t), t)+(diff(f[1](t), t))*p-1-t-t^2)+p*(-(diff(f[0](t), t))-(diff(f[1](t), t))*p+1+t+t^2-g[0](t)-g[1](t)*p-(int(f(s)+g(s), s = 0 .. t))) = 0


(1-p)*(diff(g[0](t), t)+(diff(g[1](t), t))*p+1+t)+p*(diff(g[0](t), t)+(diff(g[1](t), t))*p-1-t+f[0](t)+f[1](t)*p-(int(f(s)-g(s), s = 0 .. t))) = 0





(-2*(diff(f[1](t), t))-g[1](t))*p^2+(2*t^2-2*(diff(f[0](t), t))+diff(f[1](t), t)-g[0](t)-(int(f(s)+g(s), s = 0 .. t))+2*t+2)*p-t^2+diff(f[0](t), t)-t-1 = 0



for i from 0 to degree(A,p) do EQ[i]:=simplify(coeff(A,p,i)); end do;

Error, final value in for loop must be numeric or character



Problem Q15 in the book Parabolic Problems by David Angell and Thomas Britz describes a large circle (LC) and several smaller circles (SCs) which are each tangent to its neighbour SC(s), and externally to LC. All circles are tangent to the x axis and above it.

Section one of this worksheet displays the LC and six of the SCs based on the book's formula for the diameter of the latter in terms of the diameter of the LC and the largest SC, which is determined by the user.

Section two finds and displays that all of the displayed SCs' centers lie on the diameter of a circle closely related to the LC and larger than it.

Can this be proved to be the case for any sizes of the LC and SCs in the same formation as that displayed?

This worksheet defines two physics problems and fails in the attempt to solve the first one.

How can these problems be solved?


Following on from my earlier question:

a colleague has produced (admittedly hurriedly) a sports schedule over 14 weeks for a 8-team double bye, and a 10-team over 15 weeks. 
Looking at it, and counting the possible combinations, neither seem optimal...

The 8 team has equal byes, the 10 uneven.

Edit. Ideally no team would have 2 byes in a row. 

Is there a solution in maple over these weeks? given the min duration would be 13 weeks and the max 15 weeks?
In the previous solution by mmcdara the 8 bye schedule each team has played 6 times after week 8, but since the roster is truncated to 14 or 15, there will be some weeks when no byes are required (all teams playing) to even things up.
Similarly, the 10 bye each team has played 8 times after week 10, but since the roster is truncated to 14 or 15, there will be some weeks when no byes are required.

Any help would be welcome!

Edit: I made some counting errors. It's 28 and 45 as Carl pointed out


Can someone improve my AI code so I get to the final team's config directly, rather than a series of set iterations? thanks

set 1: Michael K, Andy C
set 2: Michael G, Mitch
set 3: Jez, Dean B
set 4: Anthony B, Rik B
set 5: Ilya, Fariborz
set 6: Eugene, Tania
set 7: Bill, Stevs
set 8: Victor, Jane
set 9: Nash, Ben


Following on from this question,
I wanted to create the sequence for n>3 teams, where n:: even and two byes.
Currently, my AI-modified code produces the wrong output, can someone modify it?

# Example usage with 8 teams and 2 byes

Round 1:
  1 vs 2
  3 vs 4
  5 sits out
  8 sits out
It should be
Round 1:
  1 vs 2
  3 vs 4
  5 vs 6
  7 sits out
  8 sits out

The uploaded worksheet defines a surface.

I would like to code a ball rolling across this surface (and others) starting from an initial position on the surface and an initial velocity tangent to the surface, but I don't know how to do this.

What is the combination of physics (including gravity) and math that accomplishes this task?

Hi. I'm comparing two 7x3-man teams lists. I can see there are at least 2 teams that have common members, new[1] and past[4], new[4] and past[3]. There may be others but the chat gpt code below doesn't definitively find any of them.

If we have the system of difference equations

xn=yn-1xn-1+2,             yn=0.5 xn-1+yn-1+1,      n=1,2,...,

 where x0 and y0 are positive initial valyes.

How can I plot the solution {xn,yn} ??

In the final plot in this worksheet, the electric field is displayed using blue headless vectors.

Instead, how can the gradient of the dipole's potential field be displayed in field lines?

In calculation limit, signum and infinity appear!!!

Is this correct?

My worksheet has suddenly begun producing the following error message when executing legitimate commands:

Error, (in cos) type `SymbolicInfinity` does not exist

Why has this worksheet suddenly begun issuing these mysterious error messages and how can it be restored to working order?

The uploaded worksheet is intended to be an example of the Equal Incircles Theorem, but the incircles displayed are not equal.

What is wrong in the worksheet and how can the error(s) be corrected?

I am particularly interested in a full coordplot3d display for ellipsoidal coords. 


Why maple can not compute integral?


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