MapleSim 6 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, MapleSim 6

I have recently reinstalled the MapleSim 6.4 but the probe windows do not appeaar anymore.

The image below shows that there are 3 probes (none are disabled) and when I run the simulation nothing happens.,

Hi, i don't know what happened but every time that I run the simulation appears this: 

invalid input: Multibody:-GetMultibodyData expects its 4th argument, lsProbes, to be of type list(list), but received registerMultibodyVariable

If anyone can solve this problem, I am going to be very grateful. Thanks


The following error occurred when I simulate a build-in model, anyone could help me to solve this problem? Thanks first

Hi everybody,

is it possible to define an homokinetic joint in MapleSim for multibody modeling? How can I do that?




I need to build a multibody model in MapleSim 6.4 in which with few global parameters I can describe all the other parameters. In other words the final user will enter this few parameters, that are coordinates of specific points, and then the model will calculate all the relative distances on the base of those coordinates.

The problem is that if I apply trigonometric function and square root (like in the screenshot) the model is not calculating any value. Is it possible to make those calculculations?


this is the model (don't worry about the nonsense plots, it's because it's not ultimated):







In my model, it seems that I have parameters which are not evaluated.

Indeed, I'm not sure that the parameters defined with relations as you can see in the printscreen are evaluated.


One point which helps me to debug my model is to follow the evaluation of the construction of my model with the 3D visualization.

Questions :
1) How can I do to be sure that my parameters are evaluated ?

2) Is it possible to launch the update of the 3D visualization even if I still have some bugs in my model ?

Thank you for help.

I have some data for a model in MapleSim that I would like to use a time look up table with.  I've found that the two options for interpolation are linear and 1st derivative, but the data was intended to be interpretted as piecewise constant.  Is there any way to acheive this option in MapleSim?

Hi MaplePrimers!

I have a simulation in MapleSIM, exported as a compiled procedure in maple using -LinkModel(), and -GetCompiledProc.

I'm trying to do parameter estimation on my MapleSIM model.  Within a optimization scheme, I call the MapleSIM model, and it will output a curve.  Using a least squares method, I compare this measurements to synthetic experimental data (I know the actual values), and generate an objective function.  The optimization algorithm will try different parameter values, and try to minimze the objective function.  When the curves are exactly the same, the objective function will be zero.

The problem I am having is certain parameter sets will cause the model to require very small steps.  I wish to put a timeout on these experiments, because speed is important.  However, I would also like to see the results up to the point of requiring very small steps.  For timeout, I was using code along the lines of:

out:= timelimit(30,cProc(params = PData)); #simulate with 30s limit

where PData are the parameter guessses, and cProc is the compiled MapleSim model.

I would like 'out' to be assigned whatever the results were after 30 seconds, even if the model had not finished integrating.


Thanks in advance for any help!


Does Maplesim allow hardware integration such as a joystick so that I can feed in joystick commands (via USB or serial) from the computer and then control my Maplesim model in the virtual space? Suggestions?


Thank you.


I'm currently working on a manipulator model in Maplesim and will import CAD attachments to each of the links. The Solidworks model, once imported to Maplesim, is not located in the same position as the Maplesim part but is offset by X,Y,Z. The scaling is also off. Is there some way to align the CAD to the component instead of trial and error?

Thank you.


MapleSim already developed a Template for Linearization.

The code behind "Linearize" button in the Linearization template is as follows:


The results, namely A,B,C,D matrices in the state-space presentation, are shown in the text area "mcEqs".

How can I save these matrices to some variables for further analysis?

In addition, without the linearization template, 


I need to model the MapleSim ground as a hard ground. For example when the robot swing leg hits the ground, it should not have negative vertical position. Basically, the robot will move on a surface.


Hello all,


I created an active high pass filter and tried to obtain bode plot from "Linear System Analysis."

I could do that but now I want a transfer function of the active hight pass filter.


So as in title, I want to know how to get transfer function of the system from "Linear System Analysis."


Any helps would be appriciated.


In MapleSim, it is possible to constrain a rigid body in a multibody system to an arbitrary constraint? 

Similarly to how a mass at the end of a simple pendulum can only move along a circle defined by the length of the pendulum, I was hoping to constrain one to a shape like an ellipse or sine wave.  I could then give it initial velocities and see how it would move along the shape over time.

I'd like to be able to define this constraint with an equation. ...

I have been trying to figure out how to use the flexible beam properly. I'm looking for a clear example on how to actually use this component. I have had no luck so far. I must be be missing something. 


The current example,, does not really show much. 


Does someone have a simple example? Perhaps using the Flexible Beam as a cantilever, with one end fixed...

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