MaplePrimes Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, MaplePrimes

For some time I have been running into the problem where uploaded worksheets that are inlined into a Mapleprimes post get gridlines shown, even when they are not specified or shown in the original worksheet. This is a problem because quite often the gridlines make an inlined plot unattractive.

I believe that Mapleprimes uses some version of MapleNet as a mechanism for inlining uploaded worksheets.

It seems that the Standard GUI and/or MapleNet have special handling for gridlines in the sense that they actually distinguish between PLOT structures generated without the `gridlines` option versus those created with `gridlines=false`.  I believe that this has something to do with the persistence of various plot qualities in an output region which (perhaps for historical reasons?)  allow re-execution of a plot input command to produce a plot output rendering that remembers whether gridlines are visible.

If the second plot below does indeed get rendered here in Primes without gridlines visible then one workaround is evident: adding `gridlines=false` instead of omitting the option.





I'll submit a bug report against MapleNet.


Dear friends. 

This is to alert you to a minor problem with your website. I use a variety of operating systems and browsers to access your site. With Firefox 22 and Firefox 26 and OpenSuse 12.2 when I click on a question with a lot of commentary like "Perl vs. Maple (MPF)" from a couple of days ago or "collect x/2-y/2 1/2" the question appears to load for a while but then an empty page appears, containing only the string "2014" and nothing else. Maybe you want to look into this.

Best regards,

Marko Riedel


Has anyone else seen the following behavior in Maple 16 and/or 17? In worksheet mode, with 2-D math notation, after hitting <enter> to execute a line several times, the software switches, without warning and unrepeatably, to a mode where only the arrows work -and that is to scroll the sheet. This means the <enter> command is no longer recognized.

My only solution has been to click on the line with the mouse, for which it returns to input mode. This behavior started in version 16 and I switched back to 15. However, I prefer features of 17 such as the different subscript options, that I would like to stay in 17.

I note this behavior occurs on both my Windows based machines and have seen it on students' Mac based machines. We use a common site licence at our institution and I wonder if that might be the problem.

In short - it is a pain.

(Yes, I did try to look for other posters with a similar problem, but failed. )

¿Que tipos de programas ayudan en  el desarrollo de problemas geometricos?

¿como puedo resolver problemas en maple17?  


I am trying to plot an equation with mape,

I give the foloowing comand but I receive a warning which I do not know how to deal with it, I wil be thankful if you can help me.

these are the command and wanring:

plot(eval ((6), {n=10, m=1},k=0.1..0.2)

warning, expecting only range variable k in expression.....


Dear Mapleprimes members,

I am trying to understand some known classical theorems of geometry (thales intersection thm, ceva, menelaus ) from the perspective of affine geometry and projective geometry.(my paper/pencil work is ok.. But I would like to use  Maple to visualize -if possible - geometrically some theorems and properties in a graph)

How could I do it in maple? Where may I get some examples?

thank you,



There are still several bugs resulting from the MaplePrimes update last week which you may not be aware of.

  1. The list "All Recent Posts & Questions" is not in the correct order. It is ordered by the time of creation of the Post or Question. It should be ordered by the time of the most recent update to the thread. In other words, the top seven entries in "All Recent Post & Questions" should be the seven entries of "Active Conversations".
  2. Email notifications do not always contain a hyperlink to the relevant post. (I could send you some examples if you need.)
  3. In the list of Answers in a user's profile, the votes for the Answers are not shown for those Answers created after the update.
  4. There are no longer automatically generated titles for Replies for which the author fails to enter a title. This taken alone may be a good idea, but it contributes to bug (2) above. Also, it makes it impossible to send a "Contact Author" email relating to the Reply---when you click send on the email, it will be rejected, even if you tried to add a title.

Hi there,

How can I get gridlines in my plots in Maple TA? Se eg. the source of the following question:

Thanks alot in advance!

mode=Multiple Choice@
name=Grafen for den afledede@
algorithm=$r = rint(3);
$f1 = rint(3);
$f2 = rint(3);
condition: ne($r,$f1);
condition: ne($r,$f2);
condition: ne($f1,$f2);
$rf = switch($r,x^2,cos(x),x);
$ff1 = switch($f1,x^2,cos(x),x);
$ff2 = switch($f2,x^2,cos(x),x);
$fm = mathml("$rf");
$opgaveplot = plotmaple("plot($rf,x=-10..10), plotdevice='gif', plotoptions='height=250,
$rplot=plotmaple("plot(diff($rf,x),x=-10..10), plotdevice='gif', plotoptions='height=250,
$fplot1=plotmaple("plot(diff($ff1,x),x=-10..10), plotdevice='gif', plotoptions='height=250,
$fplot2=plotmaple("plot(diff($ff2,x),x=-10..10), plotdevice='gif', plotoptions='height=250,
Betragt funktion f(x) = $fm og dens graf herunder.&nbsp;</p>
<p style="text-align: center; ">
<p style="text-align: center; ">
Angiv hvilken af følgende figurer repræsenterer grafen for funktionen?</p>
choice.4=Ingen af dem@
choice.5=Der er flere rigtige@

Earlier this week, we updated MaplePrimes with some fairly extensive changes that improved site performance. While MaplePrimes behaved as expected for most, a few people experienced some problems logging in, and a few other issues were also reported. If you are a MaplePrimes member inconvenienced by these issues, I apologize and thank you for your patience, and also for reporting the problems. I've had some conversations with a few different members, and your help in describing and diagnosing the problems is very much appreciated.

We have been working hard to resolve these problems, and I'm happy to report that most have now been taken care of.

  • The log-in function now works as expected across all browsers. If you are still having problems, you can visit to force a log-out and reset your browser cookies for MaplePrimes, which will also correct the problem going forward.

  • We have corrected the problem where links to uploaded files were resulting in 404 errors.

  • We have also corrected an issue where the ordering of posts in a user's profile page was done incorrectly.

There are a handful of smaller problems that we continue to work through, and if you notice any other issues, please continue to let us know, either by posting here on MaplePrimes, or by contacting me directly.


I can post answers, but those are not shown

PS: would have done at other threads - but as alreyd said ...

PPS: how about testing? grrrrrrrrrr .......

Earlier today, we posted an update to MaplePrimes that introduces some improvements, and also addresses a few issues. The most significant & noticeable improvements are speed related, and the performance of virtually every function/page on MaplePrimes has been improved dramatically.  The average increase is approximately 2x, but some pages (for example, Recent Questions or Unanswered Questions) benefit from much greater increases!

Other issues/enhancements include:

  • There was a problem where MaplePrimes would occasionally send multiple notification messages when a single reply/comment/answer was added to a thread that you are subscribed to. This no longer occurs.

  • MaplePrimes has been added as a clickable option under 'products' when asking a question or creating a post, and MaplePrimes-related topics are now grouped together.

  • The lag between when a new thread is created and when it appears in the right-hand side bar (this lag was often multiple minutes) has been eliminated. 
  • We added a data-integrity restriction such that if an answer or a reply has been added to a message, that original message can no longer be deleted. Formerly, the original author was able to remove their post, and subsequently all related comments, at any time.

There were a variety of smaller issues corrected as well.

We hit a couple of small bumps in the road during the implementation of the update (for example, there was a temporary issue where replies or answers didn't work), but we believe these have been taken care of. If you encounter any additional issues, please let us know.

We hope that these enhancements and fixes continue to make MaplePrimes more enjoyable to use, and I'm looking forward to your feedback!


I can't post any Replies or Answers. It acts like they are being posted, but they just disappear. I've tried both in IE and Firefox.

Happy Dominion Day.  


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