Question: Exporting plot data to MATLAB

Hello all,

I am pretty new to Maple, but I am trying to understand something. I was able to find a numerical solution to a PDE in maple (with some community help, thanks guys!). I am trying to manipulate this data but am struggling with it. I thought if I could take this data to matlab it would be pretty easy for me to manipulate and do what I want. 

So my question is: How do I export my numerical solution (pds module) to matlab. Just taking the data is okay. I know you can evaluate the data at some points. 


I see there is "Matlab" command that converts code, it doesn't seem to like pds as an input though.

I also see an export matrix command. I guess it could be possible to create a matrix of plot data and convert it this way?


I had to do a change of coordinate system to solve the PDE because of boundary conditions. I'm trying to transform this data back to my regular x,y coordinate system to see if it matches some other simulations. 

Thanks in advance! And here is my file.

Setup(mathematicalnotation = true):

V(Z, f);

If function ( varphi) is defined, use this one.

PDE1 := subs[inplace](x = xi*varphi(t), PDE1);
If function ( varphi) is defined, use this one.

PDE1 := subs[inplace](t = 2*vartheta*(1/omega), PDE1);




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