Question: Rotating 3d graphs wonky

I've always found that the way maple handles rotating graphs to be very unintuitive. It is very difficult for me to get the exact view I want by rotating the graph.


Usually i want to view for 1 2d projection then rotate to view the other. In most programs one can do this easier and there usually is some modifier key. In maple this is not the case and how it handles rotation is bizzaire.

For example, if I set the orientation to be x axis and start to rotate by dragging the mouse horizontally the 3d graph starts to rotate all 3 axis. It seems to depend on where the mouse is exactly at in the graph. That is, if I drag only in the horizontal but the mouse starts at the top then it is different than when it starts at the bottom. This is not intuitive it it requires me to know exactly how maple does things and thing work backwards...

Many programs have a modifier key that will snap one direction/angle to not change. This is idea. rather than have all 3 angles changing arbitrarily(it is nice when one just wants to perview the graph in 3D but not good when one wants to get a specific angle).


Is there any easy way to get what I want? I know I can set the orientation manually. That is not what I'm after. I'm after changing the rotation algorithm that maple uses or to add a modifier key to restrict rotation to only 2 angles.



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