Question: From a set of sets picking k disjoint sets

Let S be a set S={E1,E2,E3,E4,.....,Ek}  where E1 is a set of edges, E2 is another set of edges etc.

that like E1={{1,2},{2,3},..}, E2={{3,4},{1,2},....} , now we need to pick all possible  distinct sets of  size L  from the k sets of S such that the 

{E1,E2,E3,....,EL} are mutually disjoint with each other in other.

Ei intersect Ej is null no edge in common for i  not equal to j    where i, j varies from 1 to L.

F is the function which takes to parameters set S and L.

F(S,L)  then returns all possible sets which are such that {E1,E2,E3,....,EL} are mutually disjoint with each other in other.

Here mutually disjoint in graph theory terms they are edge-disjoint mutually 

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