Question: DEQ Fit

Question:DEQ Fit

Oliver K 1201 Maple

Hi, assume  i have some data and want to fit a model function to it (Maple12). The help pages show a way:

X := Vector([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], datatype=float):
Y := Vector([2, 3, 4.8, 10.2, 15.6, 30.9], datatype=float):


Fit(f, X, Y, t);

It works as expected. Now assume that the model function is not explicitly given,  it may be just the solution of a  differential equation:

f:=diff(y(t),t)+u*y(t)=v; y(0)=0

Assume that the deq could not be solved explicitly, it has to be done numerically. How  do i fit the params u,v to the given data in this case ?


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