Question: importing data and manipulating it

ok, my first question, and as I only started using maple about 1hr ago, its probably rather a simple solution that I've missed. I'll tell you what i'm trying to do, and what I've tried so far. I've run some code which has given a formatted output of a lot of numerical data, in 4 columns (which I may wish to call x,y,T and P if I can). I wish to import this data into maple, so that I can eventually plot contour plots with it of T on a x and y grid, and P on an x and y grid. Having tried to use the readdata command to read the file in, I got a lot of row vectors. However I then couldn't find out how to reference specific values in these vectors to allow me to assign them to variable values, or maybe just directly plot them. I tried using the importmatrix command to see if that gave anything, but that failed entirely. help would be much appreciated (even if this does come across as a dumb question)
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