MaplePrimes Questions

How do I graph inequalities. A simple example would be graphing y>x-2 where the area above the line y=x-2 would be shaded. What I really want to do however is check my work for the graph of: |x-y|+|x|+|y| where | | is the absolute symbol.
Is this thing called Interval Math? Can Maple do it? Is this thing called Interval Math? Can Maple do it? I am not about if this is called Interval Analysis. The thing in my mind is that I know my Monte Carlo simulation yields a result with an error tolerance of 1e-5. And I wrap that MC simulation component into a more complicated expression and form a function, I want to know the error bound of the whole function involving the MC component. Can Maple do this? The same applies to analysis about round-off error. If I know a sub-expression has a round-off error of 1e-6, what should the error of the main expression involving this sub-expression be?
how do you remove the right palette dock only
I am using Maple 11 student and am in a trig class. Well we are working on right triangles and are using the six trig functions to solve the triangles. How do I input a sin() etc... and get a correct response. I also need to know how to put a degree mark after the sin(26) number in the parenthesis. I know this sounds simple but I cannot find in the help areas where to do this. I guess I am looking for the DMS characters, degree, Minutes, Seconds. For some reason when I input a sin(), cos(), I do not get a correct response compared to my Ti89 Titanium calculator. and also how do I doe csc, sec, and cot. Do I just input sin^1 etc...?
For trivial expressions, we don't need automatic code generation. For complicated expressions, code generator creates lots of temporary variables and the performance is not far from optimal. Once I generated a C program using codegen with 500+ temporary variables and I put that function into a numerical integral as an integrand. The result was very unstable - the integrals are often NaNs. On the other hand, I also convert Maple expression manually into C program which has exactly the same functionality. The result was correct, no NaNs in the integrals at all. So what's the use o
Hello all, I want to turn the following piece of code into a function of sorts by wrapping it in a proc. When I attempt to do so exactly as given in the below sample, 2 error messages are returned: The first is an 'Error, unterminated procedure' and the second 'Error, unable to parse'. > restart; with(LinearAlgebra); > func:=proc(params,a,b) eta_f:=params[1]: eta_s:=params[2]: eta_w:=params[3]: eta_int:=params[4]: omega:=params[5]: G:= params[6]: u[0]:= params[7]: params[7]: n:=a+b: Arand:=RandomMatrix(n,n):A:= Arand-Arand: end proc; To state my problem in it's completeness; For simplicity I have only included an excerpt of my full input - which runs fine before the introduction of 'proc' - but I encounter identical problems to that outlined above throughout. As such I assume a solution to the above excerpt can be applied generally.
Hi all, I am posing a question that has plagued me since I studied these in a Dynamical Systems course a couple of years ago... Is it possible to get an integral representation for the (angular) Mathieu Functions (AMF's) - via generating functions or any method? Consulting Ambrowitz and Stegun, and searching through recent papers the closest I came to finding such a result was one that (paradoxically) gave the integral representation of the AMF's in terms of itself (it appeared in the integral kernel). So I was wondering if anyone could do any better or clarify this. John
I want to evaluate the limit as sigma=0 of the integral from -infinity to +infinity of V(t)*f(t) where f(.) is the normal density. I think that I must obtain V(mu) but I only get: "lim sigma->inf of integral etc etc. " The "commands" that I did use are: restart; > MyFunc1:=(t,sigma,mu)->int(V(t)*1/2*2^(1/2)/Pi^(1/2)/sigma*exp(-1/2*(t-mu)^2/sigma^2), t=-infinity..+infinity); >limit(MyFunc1(t,sigma, mu), sigma=0); Probably I am doing something wrong, because I am almost sure that MAPLE can do it. Could somebody please point my mistake or suggest any hint? Thanks a lot. JV
I am a nursing student and do not understand math very well at all. i need help with 5 math problems . I would greatly appreciate any help out there. thanks in advance.(they are multiple choice problems.) 1) Convert this relationship to a form which has no trigonometric relationships in the answer, just numbers. [2*(tan of 15 degrees)]/[1 - tan^2 of 15 degrees] a) sqrt3 b) 3 c) (sqrt3)/3 d) 3/(sqrt3) 2) Choose the answer which completes the identity below.( i believe this is D, am i correct?) (The square of the tangent of x) + 1 = ? or alternatively written in symbols this is [tan^2(x)] + 1 = ?
Hi, i would like to put a question. suppose we have a cone, and we want to find whether a line will intersect the cone or not, how will we find this? A more challenging question would be: if the line is changing due to the movement of originating point, how would we find its intersection?
int((4*x-3)^3, dx) Tried to use Maple straight away to integrate the above. As it turned ou the answer was wrong.Does this mean that I have to solve it by way of substition Curious
Hi everyone, First things first, I really enjoy reading this forum and have found it quite helpful; kudos to the experts who make this a very valuable resource. That being said I've been using MAPLE 10 since its release and recently began working in the Worksheet mode rather than the Document mode - the benefits of which have been mentioned in previous topics and explains my shift. This has lead me to a problem which makes no sense to me and I could use a little help on. Essentially I have a list of values acquired from a strain gage signal (non-integer floats) and wish to select a value within the list closest to 10,000, retrieve the associated index for it and create a new list up to that value for further calculations. Here is the input (SG1 is my list):
I uploaded a code intended to create a step by step solution to find the area of a triangle, starting with the formula, substitution, and evaluation of that statement. However the value of b[3], the evaluation part, is placed infront of the statement instead of the last statement. I have been looking at the code for weeks but I get no where. Maybe a second eye will see what is wrong with the code. View on MapleNet or Download
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Hello Dears, Although I have been worked on Maple TA in LAN's
Hi, does anyone know if it's possible to "get hold of" the username of the student taking a test in Maple T.A.? That is, is there a variable that contains this string? This could prove useful for personalising question content (think of individual seeds for random number generation, or keys in cryptographic contexts). We would love to be able to (predictably) provide a customised question for each student by somehow hashing up the username, and writing a question which uses that variable. If there's an alternative to this I'd very much like to hear about it: in essence we wish to grasp hold of something that's unique to the student who's logged in.
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