MaplePrimes Questions

Hello! I'm working on a globe right now with worldmap, equator,0°- and 90° meridian on it. Now I want to display a point on it in the form of a circle. The point is given in longitude and latitude values, for example lon: -21.5750 and lat: -60.9340. How do I do that? If it helps, here the equation of the globe: Globe:= (lon,lat) ->(cos(lon)*cos(lat), sin(lon)*cos(lat), sin(lat)); Can someone help me please?
I am having difficulty with a procedure that takes an Array and returns its maximum element -- and suspect that the difficulty is due to the fact that my Array (called it A) has elements of mixed data type, i.e. some numeric and some "undefined" elements. How do I replace the undefined elements and/or get Maple to work with them?

I was thinking that I could convert them to a placeholder value of 0, since I'm maximizing?

Here's the error message, followed by a slice of my array -- you can see that there's already an undefined elements:

Error, (in maxpt) invalid input: ArrayDims expects its 1st argument, A, to be of type Array, but received [[.2500000000, .3125000000, .3620558262, .4031851184, .4375000000, .4659321892, .4891103366, .5074959503, .5214466094, undefined, .5368923611, .5381944444, .5351562500, .5277777777, .5160590278, .5000000000, .5000000000, .5000000000, .5000000000, .5000000000, .5000000000, .5000000000, .5000000000, .5000000000, .5000000000], [.2947082519, .3533020019, .3989515781, .4361746204, .4665832520, .4911091912, .5103810885, .5248604523, .5349048614, .5406428808, .5417911264, .5383316213,
Questions authored in LaTeX and converted using the facility on this site do not display properly. 'Broken MathML tag' appears where the matrix should be. The same questions converted with the old Brownstone converter are fine! Is this a problem others have had?
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SlideShow mode in Maple 11 will not scroll down with the cursor keys or respond to page up or down. Any ideas.
I have a function that cannot be maximized by taking the FOCs, i.e. non-convex, and I want to maximize it with respect to two variables. Say, with respect to (x,y).

I have found an example where you can extract the maximizer from plot using this approach:

> P:=plot(subs(x=0.1,subs(tau=0.3,subs(theta=1,subs(omega=0.5,payoff)))),y=0..1):
> A:=remove(has,op([1,1],P),undefined):
> MAX:=max(op(map(t->t[2],A)));
MAX := 0.330385487730942451

> points:=op([1,1],P):
> MAXPT:=select(t->t[2]=MAX,points);
MAXPT := [[0.287405284999999956, 0.330385487730942451]]

The above example is for the case where you maximize a function with respect to a single variable, y. (The value of x is fixed above; tau, theta, and omega are parameters of payoff.)
I am trying to plot the following procedure in the variable s_val (with p_val and pa_val at fixed values):

> Q_opt:=proc(s_val,p_val,pa_val)
> fsolve(subs(p=p_val,subs(s=s_val,subs(pa=pa_val,FOC))),Q);
> end proc:

with no luck. I have tried the following variants of plot:


> plot(subs(p_val=0,subs(pa_val=0.6,Q_opt)),s_val=0.5..0.59,axes=BOXED);

Error, (in plot) invalid plotting of procedures, perhaps you mean plot(Q_opt, .5 .. .59, axes = BOXED)


> plot(subs(p_val=0,subs(pa_val=0.6,Q_opt)),0.5..0.59,axes=BOXED);

Warning, unable to evaluate the function to numeric values in the region; see the plotting command's help page to ensure the calling sequence is correct
I have an optimization problem where my integration bounds depend on the maximizer and take the form max[1,Q+pa/2], where Q is the variable that I am maximizing with respect to.

For instance, my function U (utility), which I am maximizing is defined as follows:




I get a piecewise FOC for U, with respect to Q, and I'm able to solve for the optimal Q, given the parameters s, p, and pa, using fsolve. For example:
hello everyone, I'd really appreciate your help. I have to finish a maple assignment within a couple of days and i've been stuck on this question that wants me to find a plane parrallel to a vector that goes though a point. The instructor gave me the following example [code] Example 6. Find the equation of the plane perpendicular to the vector ( 5, 1, -2 ) and passing through the point ( 0, 1, -1 ). Make a plot of this plane. We use the point-normal form of the equation of a plane: dotprod([5,1,-2],[x-0,y-1,z-(-1)])=0; _ _ _ 5 x - 3 + y - 2 z = 0
Hello, I am trying to do something very simple, or so I thought. From the solve help, I found this example: solve(x*t(x)+x^3-5, t); Now to my way of thinking, I have just solved an equation that gives me a function of x, namely t = t(x). But when I try to evaluate t at say, 3, I do not get the correct answer: t(3); gives the helpful response: t(3) How can I get this to work? Thank you.
Hi, I've assigned first the entries of an array: Ecce:=array(1..2, [x,y]); then I would to set x:=0, y:=0 (obviously, this is for exemple, I've to do this whit very large array, so I cant do one entry at time) I've guessed Ecce[] := 0 but now Ecce[1]=0, Ecce[2]=0, x=x, y=y How I must do to assign the old entries of the array, at the next ones? Tk you S.
Is there some command to find the fixed points of a function F(y)?. As my intuition suggests me.. it would not be possible to get the the values x such that x=F(x) for a general function, but.. which commands should I look at to get the values of x for a specific F (I would like to see that in the case of x is in R4.. that is x= (x1, x2, x3,x4)? Any answer will be really appreciated. J
If I point to a greek alpha symbol with my mouse it shows me a hint that I can type "alpha" for the same symbol. However, if I click it, it actually places the symbol in the document, but if I type the words "alpha" in the document it just leaves those words and doesn't replace them with the actual symbol. Is there a way to get it to replace my words with the actual symbol? I absolutely hate using the mouse as it slows down typing 10 fold. It seems however that if you don't absolutely love the mouse, you'll hate Maple. Are there any plans to make it more useable for those wishing to get on with it?
How do I get Maple to do a subscript without having to click the menu items? I just want to continue typing out my functions but seem to have to spend 1/2 my time clicking things with the mouse. Its very frustrating. Thanks, glenn
How do I insert symbols like beta, gamma and so forth? I'm wanting to keep my work looking like the questions I'm working but don't see how to insert symbols that I need. Thanks, glenn
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