MaplePrimes Questions

Greetings, For a school project i am trying to calculate a trajectory of a spacecraft to mars. Using newtons equations and the numerical D.E. solver i calculated the orbits of earth and mars around the sun(which i am also using as my coordinate origin.) Then i use these results in a differential equation to find the position of a rocket launched from earth. I am shooting it in an arbitrary direction just to get started. The solver does its job and i rename the X,Y,Z coordinates of the rocket (formely called Xr,Yr,Zr) to X3,Y3,Z3. The problem is when i want a numeric answer, i.e i type in X3(400)...i get
Hi I am using Maple (9.5) to calibrate the value of an expression for a bond to obtain "issue-at-par-value". Part of the procedure is to minimize the valuation-expression by changing the bankruptcy-level. I use the following: B3 := Minimize(HYB(100,10,x,0.06,0.0023),x=0..65); and get typically: [70.003...,[x=50.15...]] When I then need to use these results in the next iteration, I can pick the value (70.003...) by typing V := B3[1]; No problem so far, but I need help to be able to assign the value of 'x' to a variable I can use later. I have studied manuals, Help-pages etc., but as my PhD-thesis is due in shortly, I hope someone may help me..
The deflection curve of a prismatic bar can be represented by a trigonometric series (S. Timoshenko, Theory of Elastic Stability, 1st Ed. 1936, p. 23). I am trying to find a way to enter a sine series into Maple of the form: y=a1*sin(Pi*x/l)+a2*sin(2*Pi*x/l)+a3*sin(3*Pi*x/l)+... I have downloaded the FourierTrigSeries package and have not had any success in entering the sine series as defined above. Any suggestions? Thank you for your assistance.
Hi, New to Maple 11. Using the tutor to solve definite integral. Would like to enter pi/2 as one of the limits. I know control space works in main program, but it does not seem to work while in the tutor. Any help appreciated. Thanks!
I have downloaded the FourierTrigSeries package which contains two files: maple.ind and maple.lib. Could someone tell me how to make the routines available in a session? Thank you for the response.
for having just the real solutions in the output of the solve command is it enough to use the RealDomain Package?Is there any other way for extracting only the real solutions?
Hello, I bought Maple 11 for its algebraic manipulation capabilities, but I can't figure out how to do this: Given, for example, Vs/R1 = (Vs - Vo)/R2 I want Maple to solve for Vo/Vs = ??? I can isolate a single variable (either Vs or Vo), but that is not what I want. Thanks!
Hi, I am new in maple, and I would like to get out the real and imaginary part of an expression. My function is as followed: eps*(f)=epsinf+Deltaeps/(1+(i*2*Pi*tau*f)^(1-alpha))^beta where eps* is my complex function with parameters: epsinf, Deltaeps, tau, alpha and beta. f is my variable. This function is known as havriliak Negami function in Physics, which describe the behavior of the dielectric susceptibility for a relaxation. In litteratur, I can find the real and imaginary part of this function, but first I would like to verify it... How is it possible to get the real and imaginary part of this function?
Can someone help me with this?? i have x^2+y^2+z^2=1 and y=z and now i find the equation of their intersection which is x^2+2z^2=1 but then i have problem parameterize it since i let x=cost, y=sint, and since y=z, then z=sint but if i plug it back to the equation (cost)^2+2(sint)^2=1, which is not correct, can someone help me wut to set for z?? Thx
So I am taking multi variable calculus this semester and we have been asked to use maple to complete an assignment. I have never used maple before so I tried to read the tutorial we were given. Anyway, it was written by some incompetent fool as I am now more confused than when I started. The concepts are appallingly illustrated and I have no idea what to do. I have attempted to do most questions and I will probably get part marks for most, but I am completely clueless regarding this one. The Question is as follows: "Determine the distance from the plane 2x + y - z = 1 to the plane 2x + y - z = 6"
So I am taking multi variable calculus this semester and we have been asked to use maple to complete an assignment. I have never used maple before so I tried to read the tutorial we were given. Anyway, it was written by some incompetent fool as I am now more confused than when I started. The concepts are appallingly illustrated and I have no idea what to do. I have attempted to do most questions and I will probably get part marks for most, but I am completely clueless regarding this one. The Question is as follows: "Determine the distance from the plane 2x + y - z = 1 to the plane 2x + y - z = 6"
Hello everyone, I have a problem with Maple 11's choice of tickmark spacing in a logplot, >pdata := logplot(points, style=point, symbol=circle, thickness=2, color=red): The resulting plot has the y-axis tickmarks located only at [1 x 10^n, 5 x 10^n, 1 x 10^(n+1), 5 x 10^(n+1), ...] How do I make Maple show the more conventional log-scale tickmarks at [1 x 10^n, 2 x 10^n, 3 x 10^n, ..., 1 x 10^(n+1), 2 x 10^(n+1), ...] Thanks much for your help! -Dan
Hello, I appreciate this forum because NOT one of my questions has been answered by the Maple help, which I think is very poor. The question I am working with has to do with the arbitrary constants that maple puts into the solution to differential equations. I have two differential equations which, when solved, will be set equal to each other. Now the equations are second degree so they both have two constants associated with their respective solutions. The problem is that when I set the solutions equal to each other, the constants will be different, but I can't seem to rename them from the standard _C1 etc. Here is what I tried:
In a previous thread I, most thankfully, learned that if B := A for some Array A, then B will not be a reinstantiation of A, which is most simply ascertained with the command eval(A = B) which here evaluates true. On several occassions, though, I would like reinstantiation. This, I found out, can be done in at least two ways; B := Array(A), or B := map(eval,A). However, in such simple reinstantiations information about for instance any indexing functions of A is lost. But they can be propagated using the ArrayIndFns(...), as seen from
Can someone help me with parameterizing equations and plot it into maple to show the graph For example x^2 + y^2 + z^2=1 How do i parameterize it for each of the traces and turn the equation into a space curve in R^3? Also, how do i plot the surface and the curves together on the same plot, using a grey wire frame for the surface, a black line for the x=k trace, a blue line for the y=k trace and a red line for the z=k trace? Thx
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