MaplePrimes Questions

I am having difficulty getting Maple to find the optimal solution over a specified range. That is, I want to limit the possible range of my maximizers. For my problem I am maximizing the expression "payoff" with respect to p and s and want to tell Maple to search for all solutions where s<pa.

I have the following expression for variable x


where x is an input to the function payoff that I wish to maximize:

payoff:=p*x + s*subs(Q=x,y) + m*(1-subs(Q=x,y)));



Now, defining the FOC of payoff as
A colleague just asked me what Maple would do if asked to solve an equation in which the right hand side is infinity. I didn't really know what it would do, so we did some tests:
f := (x-1)/expand((x-1)*(x+1)*(x-2)):
solve( f=infinity, x );
                                    1, -1
solve( 1/f=0, x );
                                    2, -1
solve( denom(f)=0, x );
                                  1, 2, -1
I could not explain the response to the first solve command. Can you? Thanks in advance, Doug
Anyone help me with thes practice problems i've done like 25 others. I am not sure if iam simply brain fried at this point or if i truly don't understand. Any help is appreciated thanks, florida nurse #1) Solve x(2x+3)= -4 possible answers are as follows a) [-5 +-i(sqrt23)/3] b)[-2 +-i(sqrt21)]/4 c)[-3 +-i(sqrt23)]/4 d)[+4 +-i(sqrt23)]/5 #2) Find the polar equation for the graph of a circle which is centered at the origin of a graph (0,0) and the equation of the graph is x^2 +y^2= 4. any and all help is much appreciated.
Hello, I am very new to using Maple, so I must apologize for my ignorance in advance. I basically have 2 questions, 1) How do I force the use of a preferred unit that may not be the default for a particular unit system. For example, I prefer cm for length and keV for energy. I would like these to always be assumed by Maple. also 2) How can I use a unit that does not appear to be part of any unit system, such as "neutrons". I would like to enter values such as 1E8 [neutrons/cm^2] . . . etc. How does one do this in Maple. I appreciate your input. Best regards, GL Columbi
In maple 11 I have defined: f := x -> e^(-x)*sin(x); then I have tried to get maple to draw the above mentioned: plot(f(x),x=0..2*Pi); What happens is that I see a the coordinat-system but with no drawings in it. Can anybody help me? Regards Simon
A few years ago I visited a very nice educational site demonstrating Maple animations. Too bad I did not save the URL. Now I cannot find it anymore. Googling did not help. Any suggestions? Or other interesting Maple sites that Google can not find? Harry Garst
I have lost the source code of one of my application in microcontroller P87LPC764 and EEPROM as it was burned 4-5 years ago but given security lock by one of my colleagues who has left the company( and i have no contact no). Now i need the source code badly. Is there any ways of recovering the source code?? Please help.
Fourier transform of a non-integrable function ... Dear all, I am working on Fourier Transform of a non-integrable function. And I am working on the numerical implementation of the FT, using FFT. Let's call this function F(v). One example is F(v)=-1/(5*i*v)*(1-exp(5*i*v)) The function has a 1/v term in its asymptotic expansion, which corresponds to a jump or Heaviside function in its transform. Using FFT, I can see the jump, with some overshooting after the jump and undershooting before the jump, along with some ripples. I want to reduce these artifacts as much as possible, because I am going to integrate this transform against other functions later. Hence obtaining a smooth function without much numerical artifacts is vital. How do I do that?
How do I plot a vector-valued function with maple11? Example: r(t)=(t)i+(t^2)j+((1/2)t^3)k I am a new user, so if you could explain to me step by step that would be helpful. Thank you, Jerry8273
In a test we had develop at our college, we need to use some MathML expressions on the questions, for example: to verify if an student know the sine law I use:
mode=Multiple Choice@ name=sine@ editing=useHTML@ @ answer=1@ choice.1= @ choice.2=@
I am wanting to have maple11 convert a point, example(x,y,z), from one system to another among the rectangular, cylindrical, spherical coordinate systems. does anyone know how to do this. I am a new user of maple, so please explain step by step or show an example. Thanks
I saw a function in Maple that would take a fraction like 77/45 and come up with a simpler version that was close to that value. In this case 9/5. Now I can't remember what that function was called and where to find it. Anybody seen this? Thanks!!
The command root(f(x),x, K) to compute roots of a univariate polynomial f(x), (let f(x) have integer coefficients), will not return an answer unless *I* do the WORK FIRST of FINDING THE ROOT to determine over WHICH FIELD (algebraic field, if it's algebraic) some of the roots of f(x) lie. The help manual demonstrates this with simple quadratics only. One writes the radical part of the quadratic solution for K, i.e. root(x^2-3,x,3^(1/2)) Mathematica had the complete Cardano formulae programmed in for both the cubic and the quartic polynomials with completely indeterminate coefficients.
Hey I am totally clueless on how to go about finding the vector projection of b on a and the scalar projection of b on a. a:= [0,-8,4] b:= [7,6,-20] please help! thanks
Hello everyone, I need some help with this one: I need to write a routine that tests the irreducibility of a polynomial over the field Fp , where p is a prime. It should return TRUE if the polynomial is irreducible over Fp and FALSE if it's not. I can use the theorem below: The polynomial x^(p^n)-x is the product of all monic irreduble polynomials over Fp, of degree that divides n. So, any ideas? Thanks in advance for your time!
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