MaplePrimes Questions

I am getting such odd results from plotting a procedure that I call Q_opt1. When I plot the procedure at a specified set of points, the values produced and shown by plot look correct, i.e. my procedure Q_opt is *decreasing* in the parameter s.

This can be seen in the link below to the plot Q_opt1_Diagnostic1, in which I plotted the following:

>plot([Q_opt(0.4,0.01,0.5),Q_opt(0.3,0.01,0.5),Q_opt(0.2,0.01,0.5),Q_opt(0.1,0.01,0.5)],s=0..0.5,legend=["Actual value s=0.4","Actual value s=0.3","Actual value s=0.2","Actual value s=0.1"]);

HOWEVER, when I plot the procedure with s as the input variable in plot, i.e.
I am using a maple document to solve some equations. All of the results are displayed centered on the page, except one. This result is all the way on the left side. Does anyone know why?'>View file details When I uploaded the file it is in the center! Why is the last result on the left in my screen?
Hello everyone, thanks for your help in advance! To perform the integral of this function over rho: >f1 := alpha*(3*lambda^3*rho*d/(rho^2 + d^2)^(5/2)); I need to assume the variable (d > 0): so, >assume(d > 0); >I1 := int(f1,rho=a..b); >I1; 3 2 2 (3/2) 2 2 (3/2) alpha lambda d~ (-(b + d~ ) + (a + d~ ) ) - ----------------------------------------------------- 2 2 3/2 2 2 3/2 (a + d~ ) (b + d~ ) but I cannot now plug in real numbers for d in I1 (e.q. d := 3.0). I get the same I1 expression as above, with d~. I tried unassume(d > 0), but it did not help. Anyway, thanks for your help.
On most of the documents I have worked with this does not happen. On one of them, every time I execute the whole document (!!!) the typesetting rule assistant pops up. What is causing this and how can I turn it off! It is very annoying...
I have an expression of the form A*arctan(B) where A and B are any expressions. How do I assign the B to a variable. I can do this with nops and op but it seem so clumsy. There must be an elegant way to do this.
Hi! I'm using Maple 10 on my Laptop. OS is Fedora 7. I want to compute a Groebnerbasis for the following ideal. the_ideal:=[x3, x2, x1, x0, -1274687*x0^2-890931*x1^2-1178748*x2^2-986870*x3^2+1740*y2*x0-1740*y0*x2-4104*y1*x3+4104*y3*x1-580*sqrt(3)*y3*x0+580*sqrt(3)*y0*x3+1368*sqrt(3)*y2*x1-1368*sqrt(3)*y1*x2+191878*x3*x2*sqrt(3)+12*y2^2+12*y3^2+12*y0^2+12*y1^2, -1740*y2*x0+1740*y0*x2+4104*y1*x3-4104*y3*x1-580*sqrt(3)*y3*x0+580*sqrt(3)*y0*x3+1368*sqrt(3)*y2*x1-1368*sqrt(3)*y1*x2-191878*x3*x2*sqrt(3)-6656903*x0^2-6273147*x1^2-6560964*x2^2-6369086*x3^2+12*y2^2+12*y3^2+12*y0^2+12*y1^2, 1160*sqrt(3)*y3*x0-1160*sqrt(3)*y0*x3-2736*sqrt(3)*y2*x1+2736*sqrt(3)*y1*x2-7282367*x0^2-6898611*x1^2-6898611*x2^2-7282367*x3^2+12*y0^2+12*y1^2+12*y2^2+12*y3^2, k*(x0^2+x1^2+x2^2+x3^2)-1];

Has anyone encountered a bug (or bugs) in Maple 9's plot functionality? I am using Maple 9 (probably need to upgrade!) and getting odd plots.

For example, I have a procedure called T_opt(x,y,z) that fines the optimal T given parameters (x,y,z), and I have checked the values for X_opt directly. For instance, below we see that T_opt is decreasing in x:

> T_opt(0.2,0,0.5);
> T_opt(0.3,0,0.5);
> T_opt(0.4,0,0.5);

But when I plot T_opt as follows:

> plot([T_opt(x,0,0.5),T_opt(0.4,0,0.5)],x=0..0.5);

the plot shows T_opt increasing in x! Basically, totally wrong values for T_opt are shown in the plot, i.e. not the values above!!

See attached plot.

Note, I have also seen some similar bugginess when using plot3d. Is anyone aware of this problem? Or am I plotting T_opt incorrectly somehow? Thanks.

Hello, I recently started using Maple for a Crytology class I am taking. The professor has give up several pre-written procedures as .mw files. I would like to know if there is a way to include the external .mw files in a seperate worksheet so that I can refer to the procedures. Currently I am just copying and pasting for procedures into my current worksheet but it would be much easier (and cleaner) if I could just include them. thanks in advance.
[D, Diff, Doubleint, Int, Limit, Lineint, Product, Sum, Tripleint, changevar, 

  completesquare, distance, equate, integrand, intercept, intparts, leftbox, 

  leftsum, makeproc, middlebox, middlesum, midpoint, powsubs, rightbox, 

  rightsum, showtangent, simpson, slope, summand, trapezoid]

                        |              1              
                        |   ----------------------- dy
                        |                     (1/2)   
To Maplet Experts: I am about to complete my maplet application developed in my desktop with screen resolution of 1440 by 900 pixels. My window layout has the following dimensions: width=850 and height=675. I am pleased with the layout of my application when shown in my desktop. I move my code to my laptop with screen resolutions of 1200 by 800 pixels. The layout of my application in my laptop is distorted and ugly even though I adjust the window layout using proportions. Is there a trick or rule of thumb I can follow when transfering an application from desktop to laptop. Thanks in advance
Hello! I'm working on a globe right now with worldmap, equator,0°- and 90° meridian on it. Now I want to display a point on it in the form of a circle. The point is given in longitude and latitude values, for example lon: -21.5750 and lat: -60.9340. How do I do that? If it helps, here the equation of the globe: Globe:= (lon,lat) ->(cos(lon)*cos(lat), sin(lon)*cos(lat), sin(lat)); Can someone help me please?
I am having difficulty with a procedure that takes an Array and returns its maximum element -- and suspect that the difficulty is due to the fact that my Array (called it A) has elements of mixed data type, i.e. some numeric and some "undefined" elements. How do I replace the undefined elements and/or get Maple to work with them?

I was thinking that I could convert them to a placeholder value of 0, since I'm maximizing?

Here's the error message, followed by a slice of my array -- you can see that there's already an undefined elements:

Error, (in maxpt) invalid input: ArrayDims expects its 1st argument, A, to be of type Array, but received [[.2500000000, .3125000000, .3620558262, .4031851184, .4375000000, .4659321892, .4891103366, .5074959503, .5214466094, undefined, .5368923611, .5381944444, .5351562500, .5277777777, .5160590278, .5000000000, .5000000000, .5000000000, .5000000000, .5000000000, .5000000000, .5000000000, .5000000000, .5000000000, .5000000000], [.2947082519, .3533020019, .3989515781, .4361746204, .4665832520, .4911091912, .5103810885, .5248604523, .5349048614, .5406428808, .5417911264, .5383316213,
Questions authored in LaTeX and converted using the facility on this site do not display properly. 'Broken MathML tag' appears where the matrix should be. The same questions converted with the old Brownstone converter are fine! Is this a problem others have had?
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SlideShow mode in Maple 11 will not scroll down with the cursor keys or respond to page up or down. Any ideas.
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