MaplePrimes Questions

How do I lock plots so that every time I execute the document the plot won't revert to default settings? Thanks Dgiznya
Hello Maple experts, lets assume I want to minimize some complicated objective function (procedure) objective(x1,x2,...,xn) with many problem variables. In order to use Maple's Optimization package, I have to specify all the arguments of my objective function in the form objective := proc(x1,x2,...,xn) ...some complicated computation... end proc: However, this has to be written manually and for many variables, say 100 or 150, this is not very elegant. Isn't there a more elegant way of creating a procedure that is suitable for the Optimization package or the Global Optimization Toolbox?
limit x extend to 0 cosx-cos11x\cos3x-cos7x pls solve.
Is there a way to generate 256 equations of the form

Eq256:= {e1>0,e2>0,e3>0, e4>0,e5>0 e6>0,e7>0,e8>0}
Eq255:= {e1>0,e2>0,e3>0, e4>0,e5>0 e6>0,e7>0,e8<0}
Eq1:= {e1<0,e2<0,e3<0, e4<0,e5<0 e6<0,e7<0,e8>0}
Eq0:= {e1<0,e2<0,e3<0, e4<0,e5<0 e6<0,e7<0,e8<0}

The < can be thought of as a binary 0 and the > as a binary 1 so there are 2^8 equations.

I want to call a procedure that does the above with something like

For i = 1 to 256 do
eq:=getequ(i):# getequ:=proc(i) returns the automatically generated equation
end do;

I can do it all by hand but what a pain.
How do I find a point in every region defined by a system of linear equations? I have a system of eight linear equations of the form Ai.x+Bi.y=0 (i=1..8) Ai and Bi are numerical values. If I plot all eight equations on one graph then I get numerous bounded regions defined by three or more of the equations and numerous unbounded regions defined by two or more of the equations. (It is possible – though unlikely - for two of the solutions to be parallel or collinear. ) My aim is to find one point – any point does - within every bounded region and one in every unbounded region. It is easy to do this by inspection.
I am coloring the xy plane, by using a procedure(x,y) to assign color. The procedure returns a number and color is assigned according to that number. It works fine but I really want some of the points to be colored BLACK. What numerical value do I use for BLACK? WHITE?
How do circles centered on the origin in the z-plane transform for ? (a)w[1](z) = z + (1/z)
I am currently running a procedure that is taking up a lot of time in maple, I do not really need the whole output and would very much like Maple to run just for a set amount of time and output what it has done so far, how would I go about doing that?
Hi I can't find the error in this procedure that i have made , to calculate the maximum and return it for a particular function here is the code : mymax:=proc(h1,a1,b1) local t1; local maxi; maxi:=0; t1:=a1; for t1 to b1 do if h1(t1)>=maxi then maxi=h(t1); t1:=t1+0.1; fi; od; maxi; end; h1 is the function a1 and b1 are the [a1,b1] limit of the interval Can you help me ; thank you
I wonder if there are interesting newsletters and magazines (or even journals) devoted immediately to Maple using/programming. This link seems obsolete; can anyone help me create a list of useful subscriptions, RSS feeds included? Thank you all in advance.
In previous versions of Maple there was an abort/interrupt capability-one could hold down the command key and a period at the same time and eventually Maple would stop the calculation. (Mac worksheet interface). Now there is an interrupt icon which is frequently ignored by Maple. I am currently in an ∞ loop and cannot get out! Help!
hi i want to know the maximum of this function , p := proc (x) options operator, arrow; min(piecewise(x <><><><><><><><><><><><><>
hi let's look for the intersection of 2 functions the first one f1 := unapply(CurveFitting[Spline]([[1.55, 1], [1.6, 0], [1.65, 0], [1.7, 0], [1.75, 0], [1.80, 0], [1.85, 0], [1.9, 0], [1.95, 0]], x, degree = 1), x); the second one r := unapply(CurveFitting[Spline]([[1.55, 0], [1.6, 1], [1.65, 1], [1.7, 1], [1.75, 0], [1.80, 0], [1.85, 0], [1.9, 0], [1.95, 0]], x, degree = 1), x); when we plot the 2 functions : plot({f1(x), r(x)}, x = 1 .. 1.95, y = 0 .. 1, thickness = 3); we see that there is 2 intersections that are 1.575000000, RealRange(1.750000000, infinity) but maple gives 1.575000000, 1.550000000, RealRange(1.750000000, infinity)
hi lets say i have an array like this one a:=[1.575000000, BottomProp, BottomProp,1.6, RealRange(1.750000000, infinity)]; i would like to have from this array only a:=[1.575000000,1.6]; how to do that thank you
Hi I want to know whether it is possible to obtain the third order tensor (second derivative) and also the higher order derivatives in Maple just as we can find the Jacobian. Then how? For example, x=array(1..n): f:=[x[1]^2-2x[2], x[2]^3-3x[3]]: jac:=jacobian(f,x); we can get the jacobian. Can we get the second derivative (n by n by n matrix) and also the higher order derivatives. Thanks.
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