MaplePrimes Questions

I have encountered two problems with the symbolic editor in Maple T.A. 2.5. Both problems do not occur in Version 2.0.1:

Problem 1: Typesetting x^$n in authoring a question.
This will result in
<math xmlns=''><mstyle fontfamily='Times New Roman' mathsize='12' mathcolor='#000000' mathbackground='#ffffff' ><mrow></mrow></mstyle></math><math xmlns=''><mstyle fontfamily='Times New Roman' mathsize='12' mathcolor='#000000' mathbackground='#ffffff' ><mrow><mrow><msup superscriptshift='0'><mi mathcolor='#000000' mathbackground='#ffffff' mathsize='12' mathvariant='italic' fontfamily='Times New Roman'>x</mi><mrow><mi mathcolor='#000000' mathbackground='#ffffff' mathsize='12' mathvariant='italic' fontfamily='Times New Roman'>$</mi><mi mathcolor='#000000' mathbackground='#ffffff' mathsize='12' mathvariant='italic' fontfamily='Times New Roman'>n</mi></mrow></msup></mrow></mrow></mstyle></math>
I'm trying to find the largest prime number in consecutive digits of e but maple seems to have problems with large integers. Does anyone know a way to make this work better? for i from 0 to 100 do a := floor(e*10^i); #e is the natural base e if isprime(a) then print(a); end if end do it finds the first 3, then gives the error: Error, cannot determine if this expression is true or false: isprime(floor(100000000*exp(1))) I believe it is due to precision of integer values.
PROBLEM: Construct and display the first 10 elements of the Fibonacci sequence F_n, defined such that F_1 = F_2 = 1, and F_n = F_(n-1) + F_(n-2) for n > 2. This is how I approached this: Any suggestions or criticisms about my approach would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. >
I noticed that commands work when I use with(student) and fail to work when I use caps as in with(Student) Am i entering the wrong syntax? Maple help says Student supercedes student package.
I enter the following and I get the "unable to load module 'rightbox'" message. Student[Calculus1][rightbox](sin(x),x=0..Pi,20) Please let me know how to fix this
I would like to know if it is possible, how to plot a function that is stepwise, something like: for x< -1, y=2-x; for -1<= x <= 1, y=x; for x>1, y=2x+1;
Is it possible to do this all on one plot? I'm extremely new to Maple, so I apologize if the answer is quite obvious! Thanks!
PROBLEM: Do not use the functions nextprime, prevprime, or ithprime in this exercise. Use some kind of do-loop or nested do-loops and conditional statements to compute and display an expression sequence, assigned to the variable P, consisting of the 10 smallest positive prime numbers. This is what I came up with. I reached the value of the counter "n", (for lack of a better name) by trial and error, and that just happened to give me the correct number (10) of primes in the sequence P. >
can you animate implicitplots? if so, how?
Hello, I need to find a limit function of recurent progression: y0 = a; yn = a + int(x * y(n-1), x) for n=infinity. Thank you very much for any solution P HK
Is it possible to use Sketch and draw a straight line? I want to use document mode to retype my class notes so I want to include graphs and illustartions. I am taking PHY-2048 where we are studing vectors, dot product, cross product etc.
Hi! I have a Maple worksheet comprising of TEXT + MATH, mainly for loops and if statements, using matrices. Can someone please let me know how I can turn this sheet into Fortran code (very detailed instructions necessary!) Thanks for your help! :)
I need to generate pimitive polynomials of degree 17 over GF(2^32) for use in an LFSR working over 32-bit words. Does anyone know how it can be done?

I'm trying to solve a partial differential equation with two boundary conditions below.  The general solution contains arbitrary functions of the non-differentiated variable.  These functions are solved for and assigned but do not appear in the final solution return.  Can anybody help me with this?

> restart;

> l:=lambda;

Hi, I want to draw the contourplot of this two family of lines x*y and x*y^2. with(plots): contourplot( {x*y, x*y^2}, x=0..10, y=0..20); I would like that the first function (x*y) is colored in red ad the secod (x*y^2) in blue. How could I do it? I tried with "colouring= [red, blue]" but the coloring is not what I want. Thanks in advance for the help. JJ (By the way..I wish you the best to all of you during 2006!!)
This is the simple code that I came up with (after some frustration) to solve the problem of separating the sequence of positive integers from 1 to 20 into one sequence of primes and one sequence of nonprimes, and eventually displaying those sequences. I'm just curious to see what other ways this same question could have been solved. >
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