MaplePrimes Questions

Simplest example I can think of. I want to define f(x) to be the absolute value function (yes, of course, without using the built-in Maple absolute value function) f:=x->x; is great for defining a function. I've used that many times to define n-vector-valued functions of m variables. But how do I do f:=x->x if x>0 f:=x->-x if x
I'm considering to buy an Asus Eee Pc 4G, but before I'd like to know if Maple 11 can smoothly run on it (at least with classic interface). Is there somebody who has tried it? Thank you!
Hi, I have a modeling equation and a set of data points, and I want to compute the accuracy of my equation relative to the data points. Is there anyway to compute the R squared value of my equation relative to these data points? All of the commands I can find in Statistics are used to fit an equation to the data points, which I don't want to do, I just want to have a qualitative measurement of how accurate my equation is.
How is it possible that the following program works correctly: printlevel:=2: for n from 1 to 10 do if (0=0 mod 5) then 0; end if; end do; It correctly outputs ten 0's. But, when I change 0 to n inside the if conditional printlevel:=2: for n from 1 to 10 do if (n=0 mod 5) then 0; end if; end do; I get nothing for output. I should get two 0's. n is 0 mod 5 exactly twice as n runs from 1 through 10. I have experimented with adding spaces and deleting spaces between keywords and parentheses and numerical values to test if that was the problem. Nothing works.
Dear Sir/Madam, I have written a small program to calculation a kind of integration. This integral depends on the values of another function which is given numerically. I want to calculate numerical results of this integral. But the I just have sucu result as "Float (Undefined)" . Please help me to find where is wrong. Thank you very much! Download 7745_Float undefined.mws
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In this Maple 10 classic worksheet I'm trying to get the eigenvalues of the matrix H, which are dependent of the parameter F>=0. Please help me to get rid of those RootOf's. The result may be numeric because I only need it for plotting. Download 5085_20_H.mws
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Hi Guys i have 2 matrices, A and B, a[i,j] and b[i,j] are the elements of the matrices respectively. How can i set the entries of A to equal the entrices of B, so then when i use the command, evalm(A), the previous a[i,j] values will become b[i,j]? Thanks.
for n from 1 to 2 do if(isprime(L[n]) then 7 else 9; end if; end do; No matter combination of semicolons or colons I put at the end of each line or omit, I cannot get this little test routine not to spit back "unable to match delimiters" error message. L := [4, 5]; P1 := [-8, 9]; if (5 > 6) then P1[1] else L[2]; end if; Ironically, this routine worked. I do not see the difference.
The equation y'= ((2-t)(2-y))/y , y(0)=1 How do I use Euler's method to calculate an approximation to y(1) using step size i. h=0.2 ii. h=0.1 iii. 0.05
I am new to Maple (I have Maple 11 student version) I tried to simplify atan(tan(x)) and nothing happens Also atan(sin(x)/cos(x)) does not simplify. What is the trick to simplification?
Dear all: Inside maple, I want to call C program which is compiled using cygwin & gcc. I did a very easy one for testing. int _stdcall add( int num1, int num2 ) { return num1+num2; } and then gcc -o add.c && gcc -shared -o add.dll add.o However, this doesn't work. Maple continue to load the DLL forever...... Does anyone know the reason? I did it with Visual C++ with VC specific options and it works just fine. Thanks, Peter
the equation y'=1-y(t)^2 how do you construct the de plot and find the equilibrium solutions
I want to have a solve command in a loop like this: for j from 0 to 10 do s[j]:=solve( {f[j]=0 , g[j]=0},[ a[j] , b[j] ]); od; where f[j] and g[j] are complex exponential functions of j and a[j]& b[j] e.g in a very simple case: f[j]:=a[j]*exp(I*2*j)+b[j] after such a loop Maple just solve s[0] and for other j's a warning message appears saying: "solutions may have been lost". And amazingly this warning seems very correct for when I put the solve command outside the loop,like solve({f[2]=0,g[2]=0},[a[2],b[2]]); it simply solves it! I don't know how I can overcome this problem?!
Hello, first post here, thanks for letting me on the forum. I am trying to visualize fourier approximation. This means that I want an animation of the several functions I get (the first only uses cos(x) and sin(x), the second one also uses cos(2*x) and sin(2*x)...) I managed to do this: [quote] restart;with(plots):f:=piecewise(-Pi
When you call call_external like call_external(p1,p2,p3,p4) what do the four parameters mean?
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