MaplePrimes Questions

I have made some lists named K[i], i= 1 to 48, with matrices, but this doesn't make maple happy, and I get 'Error, invalid subscript selector'. The problem is obvious that K[i] is taking element i in the list K, and I get problems when I want to take list K[i] and look at element j. So, how do you give lists names with indices?
When Tutor suggests a 'change in variables' and next step is applied, is there a way to get Tutor to show the substitution for variable u as well? thanks
This is a new user question. mapleTA3.01 is installed on an Ubuntu linux server here at and on SUSE linux at across the river here. We have classes (around 1000 students at each institution) about to start soon and have been forced by the maple vendor to switch from AiM to mapleTA. (And, no worries, we will try. The March start date is scary.) We are having problems with most maple-type questions, displaying maths. Intermittently, the gif for the maths does not seem to get written. These are from the maplesoft Calculus questions. It isn't in anything peculiar
Hi, I have two questions, which should be relatively simple to solve. First of all, how do you name the axes in a plot? Second, how do you change the dimensions of a spreadsheet in maple? For example, if I wanted a 500 by 2 spreadsheet, how would I go about getting it? Right now the spreadsheet maxes out at 100 rows Thanks for your help -Evan
Hi how can i retrieve the 1 in x[1] in a maple program or 2 in y[2]?
I have a program that may call Compiler:-Compile to speed up the calculations, but after the program terminates the DLL that was generated still exists on disk. Every time I call on the program, I create a new DLL without deleting it. If I keep calling my program, the disk will get full of temporary DLL's until the disk gets full. I know how to delete using FileTools:-Remove, but I get the "permission denied" error message. I assume that it is because Maple 10 is still using the DLL, so how do I get Maple to free the DLL so that I can delete it?
Suppose I have the vertices of a polyhedron in a matrix and wanted to draw a stick model of it as a plot. I need to be able to specify the color of each edge. What's the best way to go about this? I've tried creating an array of pointplot3d's with connect=true and grouping them together with the display command but that doesn't seem to allow me to select colors for each edge. As an example, if you could show me how to make a line from
All: I am comparing examples of Lower Sums, Upper Sums, and Random Partitioned Riemann Sums. For the lower and upper sums, the leftbox and rightbox commands produce satisfactory box shading results, green RGB(.7,.9,.7). For example: leftbox(x,x=0..2, 4); However, I can't get the RiemannSum command to shade. I have used all of the tricks that I know of and all that I can do is change the color of the outline of the boxes. For example: RiemannSum(x, x = 0..2, partition=2, method=lower, output=plot, showarea=false, outline=false, boxoptions=[color=black, thickness=2], thickness=3, title="", tickmarks=[5,6], labels=["",""], scaling=unconstrained, refinement = random, functionoptions = [legend="", color=RED], partition=random[.75]);
I need to evaluate expression

sum((sum((sum((1-p)^i/(a[1]*i+a[1]+a[2]*j+a[2]+a[3]*k+a[3]), i = 0 .. infinity))*(1-p)^j, j = 0 .. infinity))*(1-p)^k, k = 0 .. infinity).

A straightforward evalf(subs(a[1] = .4, a[2] = .1, a[3] = .5, p = 1/3, %)) is too too slow. Are there any faster solutions? Thanks in advance.

Every time I try to make an underscore _ in Maple, I am forced into a subscript. Hence, I cannot enter commands such as dperiodic_sols from the DEtools list into my program. Thank you.
Hi, Does anyone know a way to modify the number of rows and columns in a spreadsheet in Maple? For example, if I wanted a 500 by 2 spreadsheet, how would I go about getting it? Right now, the spreadsheet maxes out at 100 rows. Thanks in advance for your help. -Evan
Im looking for help with a question, i need to produce a procedure using both False Position and Newton-Raphson methods' here is the queston; Write a Maple procedure to find the root (answer) of a function (fun) to a specified accuracy (acc_nr) using a combination of the methods of false position and Newton-Raphson. Your procedure should start with an interval ([left,right])in which the root lies and first carry out sufficient iterations of the false position method to find an estimate of the root (to an accuracy of acc_fp, a much larger number than acc_nr). This estimate should then be used as the starting value for the Newton-Raphson method which should then find the root to the final specified accuracy (acc_nr).
We have an expression p*(-1+p)*hypergeom([1, 1], [2], 1-p)*hypergeom([1], [], 2-p), which can be simplified to p*ln(p)/(-1+p), but how it can be simplified to p*hypergeom([1,1],[2],1-p) in Maple? Thanks.
Looking for a direct link to download Maple (trial or full version)
I would like to copy Maple results and insert them in text documents (e. g. MS-Word). I highlighted the Mple result and copied it with the context menu (strg+c, Windows). Following I pasted it with the context menu in a Word Document. Unfortunately the pasted image was very fuzzy (actually unreadable). Is there any other method to copy Maple outcomes quickly in text documents? Thanks Dirk
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