MaplePrimes Questions

Ok, I've got a matrix where the elements are lists of length 3, the first element tells you what sort of entry it is; the important thing to know here is that if the first entry is one then the second entry (and third) is a variable.

Hi, I'm currently using MAPLE 11

I'm trying to multiply series(about 30) matrix[ Matrix name is(F(x[k],y[k],j[k])) by using the product command


product(F(x[k],y[k],j[k]), k=1..10); 

when I use the above command the following. error occurs.

[Error, (in rtable/Product) invalid arguments]

I've figured out the product command only works for real numbers, not matrix

But the problem is ... then what command should I use?


Greetings All

I'm having some trouble figuring out a sequence of numbers using common Difference
I've figured out the polynomial for the even numbers for the sequence but the odd numbers have a repeating pattern which I'm not sure how to create a Polynomial for.  

I've included my work here on the even numbers which I’ve verified and they are correct.

Ok I have already defined f as a procedure earlier on, so here is where i am having a problem:


Hi Guys, im wondering if you can help me with this for loop problem

so i have the array k[20,20], so it has 400 hundred entries, each entry has a number, but one entry has a number higher  then the others,

e.g. k[1,5]=6,k[1,6]=40,k[4,4]=20

so in the loop below i intend for the a and b element of the entry with the highest value to be assigned to tempa[2,1] and tempa[2,2], but i am not getting this outcome, please have a look


My sincere apologies for this incredibly elementary question.  I just can't find the answer.  Please refer me to an appropriate resource for this information if you know of one so that I won't bother the forum with such inane questions in the future.

Here is a simplfied example of what I'm trying to do (when my code didn't work, I created progressively simpler examples until I got to this):


a := array(1..3);

for i from 1 to 3 do

    a[i] := t -> i*t

end do;


                 Is it possible to view a table of values of a function? if yes please help. For example in TI calculators a table can be viewed after plotting a graph.

for example

f(x) = x

x         f(x) 

1         1

2          4

Basically what I would like to do, which seems self-explanitory but is obviously not in the right language for maple is this (this is for a local M within a procedure where P is a matrix already defined).

TemplateMatrix:=proc(P) local M;
M:=Matrix(3, if P[i,j]=1 then (i,j)->x[i,j] else (i,j)-> P[i,j]);
end proc;

basically what i'm trying to do is turn P which is currently just a matrix of numbers into a matrix which has variables where the number 1 was previously an entry.

I'm a very new user - apologies if this is answered elsewhere on the forum - I've tried searching but haven't found the answer.

I'm trying to evaluate something which relies on the fact that sin(nPi)=0 for integer n. How do I get Maple to do this? I have tried:

a:=m*Pi   (sorry - haven't worked out how to post actual Maple input yet)



But when I evaluate this, it just gives me sin(m*Pi); if I put in a numerical value for m then I do get zero; but I need it to recognise this is the case for any integer.

Dear All,

Does anyone actually use the latex facility with MapleTA? The more I look into it, the more I think that's the software is too buggy to be useful (that's the view that is echoed in past forum posts by other users).

The Maple TA documentation stats that you can author questions using the question bank, .qu script file or latex. Is there any documentation regarding the .qu script files? I've found only basic documentation regarding latex.

As an aside by current latex problem is using 'Maple' type questions, e.g.

I am trying to plot the solution of a procedure beta_k(P) vs the input P; however, the solution is a pair of values (k, beta*) and I do not know how to isolate the individual values of the solution.  Thank you for your assistance.

I have a proc and I want to test if the function is odd.

The following is wrong, but could you modify it to work well?


if  simplify( f(x)+f(-x) )=0

then print("f is odd");

end if;

end proc;

In the proc argument there is x because x is the variable of f,  for example  f  may have other

parameters,   (in mathematical notation)  f(x)=ax+3.

Thanks,       Sandor



In Maple 11, how do I graph (and solve) a set of 3d inequalities (in x, y, z) to show the feasible set and the vertexes ?

yes, basically i just want to call something "y at x=0", just to make the final presentation of my results better. Is there something similar to # that will stop maple getting confused by the space of the equals sign, and just ignore it as comment/description?

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I am trying to find parameters using NonlinearFit and keep encountering the following message:

'Warning, limiting number of iterations reached'

I have not been able to figure out how to overcome this warning - the fits I am getting are
 not very good.

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