Unanswered Questions

This page lists MaplePrimes questions that have not yet received an answer
I would like to know how to print a matrix using the TextBox command from Maplets, because always print a message "Matrix(3, 3, [ [ 1,1,1],[1,1,1],[1,1,1 ] ], datatype = anything, storage = rectangular, order = Fortran_order, shape = [])", for example. Another doubt is if it's possible to print text and equations using the MAthMLViewer without erasing the previous print in the Maplets (to each program output a line is added in the MathViewer). I would be grateful for any hint. Adriene Pfeifer restart:with(LinearAlgebra):with( Maplets[Elements] ): test:=proc() local M; M:=Matrix(3,3,1);
I was using a procedure for linear systems solution (Gauss-Seidel) and in way to obtain information about the solution convergence I would like to obtain a graph during the procedure execution by Maple that may be ploted in a Maplet window. Does anyone have some suggestion on as I can make this? I am very grateful to anyone who may help.
Hello, I desire a different version of CodeGeneration[Fortran], and at the recommendation of the Maple 10 help system, copied the files in 'C:\Program Files\Maple 10\samples\CodeGeneration\Fortran77' and started making some very minor changes (i.e., changing .ne. to /=). However, I have not been able to work out how to load this modified file into Maple. The help system points to CodeGeneration:-LanguageDefinition:-Add(langname, moddef) function. The key is, I guess, is to load the modified file into moddef. I do not see how I can do this. Cheers Dave
Has anyone ever used Maple to help with winning at chess or checkers ? v/r, Dan
I'm taking Discrete Math and we are supposed to use Maple to submit assignments. It did not seem to work for many examples given on McGraw Hill's online learning center. My first concern is how to load the rosenlib given at http://www.mhhe.com/math/advmath/rosen/r5/student/maple.html -------------------- The Maple Supplement This book is a supplement to Ken Rosens's text Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, Fifth edition. It's entire focus is on the computational aspects of the subject. To make use of the code found in this supplement you need to make use of a special library that has been developed to supplement Maple for this book.
How do I change the spacing between lines in the MathMLViewer?
I'm aware that this probably is not the right place to post this, but is there anybody who can do something about brownstone.net being unreachable? I have to convert a BIG LaTeX-file this weekend for students to work on starting Monday and have been unable to connect for the past twelve hours or so.
I am trying to get students to solve inequalities. They have to enter intervals and I modify their response-string before processing it. Something weird happens when using RegSubs. I have reduced the behaviour to the following maple*-code: expr := convert("$RESPONSE",string); with(StringTools); expr1:=RegSubs(",(.+)[)]"=",Open(\\1))",expr); evalb(expr1="(0,Open(1))"); This returns true when I enter "(0,25)" (without the quotes of course; you can replace 25 with anything you like). So, instead of the parenthesised .+, the \\1 just yields a 1. When I execute the code in my own Maple10, the correct substitution is made. I think our server runs Maple9. Any comment is appreciated.
this is the differential equation of second derivative. because i learn Maple not long. the equation name is 'eq5' > eq5:=D(D(x1))=(a1*fx1+a2*gx1)*D(x1)+(a1*fx2+a2*gx2)*D(x2)+(a1*fxt+a2*gxt); x1(t),in the file. if you interesting ,just download the file to help me to solve this problem. regards. View 1984_diff equ.mw on MapleNet or Download 1984_diff equ.mw
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In document mode: 1) when i start a row with (math mode): 1+2 then press ctrl+= (and Maple intert the result 3) i can't continue writing on the same row 2) when i start a row with (math mode): 1/a then press ctrl+= (and Maple intert the result 1/a) i can continue writing on the same row why? Maple 10 last patch Thank you
i have a problem of my equation with differentiation,in the first i run it total OK ,but when i input the value into the equation, the ERROR was show the screen. i don't know which step have the problem in my procedure. under is my maple file,(if you can't understand what mean of this procedure,just send me E-mail). regards View 1984_new equation with water out.mw on MapleNet or Download 1984_new equation with water out.mw
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I'm numerically solving, using pdsolve on Maple 9, the diffusion-recombination equation. I'm interested in the long time behavior after a very short time excitation pulse. Ideally, pdsolve would have the capability to use a small time step for the initial part followed by a larger time step later. Otherwise, I could take the result of a calculation with a short time step as an initial condition for a calculation with a long time step. If anyone knows how to do either of those things, I would be grateful. Thanks, Richard
The enclosed file has 2 document blocks. As far as I can tell, each block is identical except for the name of a procedure defined in it. When I go into Block A and select Format/Collapse Document Block, the procedure does not disappear. When I go into block B, it does. I'd appreciate it if someone could tell me why the difference. -Thanks View 2292_Georgeworksheet15.mw on MapleNet or Download 2292_Georgework
I have developed a Maplet tutorial in which the output of the Maplet Evaluate is an X-Y plot displayed using the Maplet Plotter element. I would also like the Maplet to display the numerical X-Y data in a format that would allow the students to simply copy and paste the data directly into an Excel document so that they can carry out additional analysis of the data. Any suggestions?
I installed Maple T.A. 2.5 on Fecora Core 4, and it can be started on the XWindow. I added the command "MapleTA_installed_dir/bin/mapleta.sh start" at the buttom of the script /etc/rc.d/rc.local, and I hopeed Maple T.A. service can be started when I reboot the system. But It doesn't work !! That means I have to go to the front of the machine, then I can start Maple T.A. service. It's very inconvenient for me. The following message is came from logs/mapleta.out loading... Root Empty Class loading... Maple T.A. Demonstration Class Exception in thread "main" java.lang.InternalError: Can't connect to X11 window server using ':0.0' as the value of the DISPLAY variable.
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