Unanswered Questions

This page lists MaplePrimes questions that have not yet received an answer
I tried Maple to find a closed-form expression of the following infinite
where r and a are probabilities and |z|<1.
It did not work
Then I tried to get a series expansion of F around z=0, i.e:
Got the following error message:
Error, (in series/exp) unable to compute series
However when the upper limit of the summation is changed from infinity to any pre-defined number;
ex: F:=sum(r^j/(1-a*z^j),j=1..100)
Maple was able to derive the series expansion around z=0.
Is there any way to get the series expansion at z=0, when the upper limit of the summation is infinity ?
hi, i don't know maple at all and i need to figure out how to solve this sytem of equations that model predator prey systems in maple but i get an error when i modify this code > e1 := diff(x(t),t) = k*x(t) - a*x(t)*y(t); > e2 := diff(y(t),t) = -r*y(t) + b*x(t)*y(t); to fit this equation- dx/dt = 2x(1-x/4) - xy dy/dt = -3y + xy x(0) = 1 y(0) = 1 if anyone has time to tell me what i can do to get the equilibrium points, the solution and the table of values for this system, i would be grateful
Hi, How can i compute the F2 Appell Hypergeometric Function using Maple? Can i write F2 as a function of the F1 appell function? Thank you. Appell Functions: http://mathworld.wolfram.com/AppellHypergeometricFunction.html
ok, my first question, and as I only started using maple about 1hr ago, its probably rather a simple solution that I've missed. I'll tell you what i'm trying to do, and what I've tried so far. I've run some code which has given a formatted output of a lot of numerical data, in 4 columns (which I may wish to call x,y,T and P if I can). I wish to import this data into maple, so that I can eventually plot contour plots with it of T on a x and y grid, and P on an x and y grid. Having tried to use the readdata command to read the file in, I got a lot of row vectors. However I then couldn't find out how to reference specific values in these vectors to allow me to assign them to variable values, or maybe just directly plot them. I tried using the importmatrix command to see if that gave anything, but that failed entirely.
I currently have some MathMLViewers in my maplet and I don't want them to have vertical scroll bar at all times. Does anyone know how to switch vertical scroll bar off for MathMLViewer? Also, is any way that I can have two windows dispaly at same time so I can change window focus by clicking window? Last question, is it possible to display multiple items in ListBox by using Set("ListBox_Name"('value') = blah, blah, blah); Looking forward for your respond, thank you. Tracy
Hi, I have a problem with fit parameters restrictions. I would like to give restrictions of the parameters of my fit in order to get the best fit parameters, but the "parameterranges" seems to be not in function. my function is following: > y1 := piecewise(0 <><>
I have the following: arrays arrC of type double in a C code and a fct in Maple allowing arrM of type Array(datatype = float[8]) as argument. I want to evaluate the fct using arrC as input. For that one can either use 'MapleAssignIndexed' (looping through the elements if there are not very much of them), or 'RTableCreate' (details omitted). Both seem to need some overhead which costs time. Is there a way to use something like the C function memcpy to copy the array to Maple (assuming the correct space can be supplied) to speed it up? Does one have to work with byte arrays instead for that - or is it
Hello, I was wondering whether there is any way to protect a table. I have the following situation: > f := table([ a = table([ a1 = 1, a2 = 2 ]), b = table([ b1 = 3, b2 = 4 ]) ]); That is, f[a] returns another indexed table. Now, when I do protect(f), protect(f[a]) or even protect(f[a][a1]), I cannot change its value any more: > protect(f); > f[a][a1] := test; Error, attempting to assign to array/table `f` which is protected But if I assign f[a] to a new variable g, then I can do it: > g := f[a]; > g[a1] := test; > eval(f); table([a = table([a1 = test, a2 = c]), d = table([d1 = i, d2 = j])])
I noticed that this function is used only for a discontinous function. What can I do if I have a discontinous data?
I'm trying to generate a list of solutions by changing two parameters as follows (T,x[1,a]): A:=0.2:Q:=273.15: > J:=10: > K:=283.15: > U:=0.4: > V:=0.1: > W:=0.8: > N:=(K-Q)/J+1: > M:=(W-U)/V+1: > data:=[]: > List:=[]: > forget(fsolve); > for T from Q by J to K do > eq[1]:=x[1,a]*alpha[1,a]=x[1,b]*alpha[1,b]: > eq[2]:=x[2,a]*alpha[2,a]=x[2,b]*alpha[2,b]:
Hey all I would like to know if after solving a Matrix Differntial Equation (general form, no initial conditions) there is a way to convert the solution matrix to equation form (i.e. y(t)= C_1e^(3t)+C_2e^(-t)+... etc). see yas david
I am working on a Maximum Likelihood problem and would like to know whether the LinearAlgebra package can be helpful. Up to now I have been using Maple only to check my work. However, someone pointed out that Maple's capabilities reach much further: it also can determine whether the system of equations is consistent and, if so, Maple can solve the equations. Unfortunately, I am only trained as a psychologist and I am still at the beginning of learning Maple's capabilities. Here are the three equations: f = (Y'b - 1t'b)(b'b)^-1 equation#1
Hello, I'd like to use the BVP solver to find the numeric solution to a large set of differential equations. The thing is, I have about 60 equations differing only by constants in the derivitave. Instead of typing in a set 60 equations with different constants, is there an easy way I can create an array of equations and use it with dsolve? Thanks!
I've got a promblem now. My teacher wants me to write a normalized programme with maple, yet I do not know how. I would like to know where can I find a normalized programme with standard format. If anyone who are familar with this subject, I am glad to accept your suggestions. Thanks very much:)
How do i find a background curve to a graph, i have data fitted with a spline and i need to find the background curve
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