ömür tosun

12 Reputation

4 Badges

17 years, 174 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by ömür tosun

hi all, i have an equation like this: a = Lambda[d]/(Lambda[d] + Lambda[in]); P(0, 0) = 1/(k + (Lambda[in] / Mu[in]) * (k - 1) + (Lambda[in] / Mu[m]) * (k - 1) + a* ((1 - a^(n - k)) / (1 - a)) + (Lambda[in] / Mu[in])* a * ((1 - a^(n - k)) / (1 - a)) + (Lambda[in] / Mu[M]) * a * (( 1 - a^(n - k)) / (1 - a)) + (Lambda[d] / Mu[D]) * a^(n - k)) Availability (A) = P(0,0)*(k + (a * (1-a^(n-k)))) i want to find the optimal Lambda[in] which max the A.. is there any non-numeric solution way and plot A-Lambda[in] graph?
i create an availability function for my markov model in which use constraits like 2 maintenance tresholds and some maintenance duration, mean time between failures. i want to determine the mean time between inspections value which max. the availability and plot its graph... should i have to give exact numerical values or is there any other ways to solve it..
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