
98 Reputation

4 Badges

19 years, 305 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Alasdair

If the finite field is Zp (p a prime) then it's easy. But what if the field is say, GF(2,3,x^3+x+1)? Suppose, for example, I entered: r:=rand(8): G:=GF(2,3,x^3+x+1): M:=Matrix(3,3,(i,j)->G[ConvertIn](x^r())); How would I invert M (over the field G); multiply M by another matrix, and so on? Can I do this with the Domains package? Thanks, Alasdair
I'm creating worksheets for students; the worksheets contain example Maple commands, which I would like to copy directly from Maple 10 into emacs (my preferred editor for all my (La)TeX work). How can I do this? At the moment, the best I can do is to export the Maple worksheet as plain text, and open that up in emacs. But this is a clumsy and round-about way for doing things. How can I coerce Maple to copy and paste to and from the X buffer? I'm using Suse 10.0. Thanks, Alasdair
I'm just trying to draw a Petersen graph with one vertex removed, using Maple 10: with(networks): P:=petersen(): Q:=duplicate(P); delete(1,Q): draw(Q); I don't see anything wrong with these commands, and yet I get an error message: "Error, (in draw/concentric) not a list of vertices [1,2,3,4,5]" Yes, I know that - I've just deleted vertex 1. But surely I should still be able to draw the resulting graph? I know I can fiddle about with "Concentric", but I don't want to... And another thing: the inplace implementation of "delete" is, I think, contrary to reason. I would rather have:
Is there an online forum/discussion board devoted to the use of Maple in mathematics education? The forums I know about (here, usenet groups), seem mostly technical. But I have some education questions I'd like to ask - I just don't know where to ask them. cheers, Alasdair
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