Alex Joannou

30 Reputation

5 Badges

16 years, 140 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Alex Joannou


WOW!!!!!!! A one liner!    Awsome! Thanks!


@Carl Love 

Thanks. I really appreciate your help. 


Thanks a million for your prompt and useful response. You have pointed me to the right direction and I am now learning programming procedures with Maple. The last time I wrote some code was back in 1975 when we were using Pascal for linear programming at the university. I am curious why your PrimeInRange procedure is not built-in the Maple command library!!! 

@Carl Love Maple 12


@Carl Love Maple 12


Thanks for your prompt response. I have followed your instructions and run into a glitch. I copied your procedure and pasted into the worksheet, having dowwloaded the iterator package before . When I pressed enter a message appears: Error, unable to parse. And there is a red box around the" :=" after the N in the 4th line of the code ( local....). So I can't progress.

I tried a different command that should be available in the Iterator package: PartitionFixedSize(12,5) and received an error message: Error, (in printtab[CodeGenerator:-Names:-LexicalSequence]) Cannot translate value of lexically scoped parameter`_this moduledefinition'.

Thanks for taking the time to answer and address my question. I find Maple very cumbersome and not user friendly. Also a lot of mathematical closed formulas and /or algorithms are missing from the packaged commands which is a problem for me since I have no notion of programming.

Have a great weekend




Thanks for your prompt response. I have followed your instructions and run into a glitch. I copied your procedure and pasted into the worksheet, having dowwloaded the iterator package before . When I pressed enter a message appears: Error, unable to parse. And there is a red box around the" :=" after the N in the 4th line of the code ( local....). So I can't progress.

I tried a different command that should be available in the Iterator package: PartitionFixedSize(12,5) and received an error message: Error, (in printtab[CodeGenerator:-Names:-LexicalSequence]) Cannot translate value of lexically scoped parameter`_this moduledefinition'.

Thanks for taking the time to answer and address my question. I find Maple very cumbersome and not user friendly. Also a lot of mathematical closed formulas and /or algorithms are missing from the packaged commands which is a problem for me since I have no notion of programming.

Have a great weekend




Thanks a million Carl.

Thanks a million Carl.

Thanks a million Carl Love ! Your modification code worked perfectly! With the Partition command too. You made my day!


Thanks a million Carl Love ! Your modification code worked perfectly! With the Partition command too. You made my day!


@Carl Love  Thanks for your reply. Composition breaks down into  distinct ordered  k-tuples . Partition breaks down into all possible sums with no regard to order.

Example: composition (4, 2)    {[1,3], [2,2], [3, 1]}   allstructs (Partition (4) ,size = 2)     [ [1, 3], [2,2]] 

For the allstructs ( Partition (n) , size = k ) command , I am trying to find out if there is command allowing me to define k not only as a single integer but a range of integers ( which should give me the sum of partitions of sizes over the defined range) . The maple help desk ( tech) advised me that there is no such command in the library. A programming procedure must be developed . And I am at minus infinity when it comes to programming! When I deal with small numbers, then it is relatively easy but also cumbersome to count. If we deal with large numbers then it is disruptive.

Thanks again for your time

@Carl Love Thanks for replying to Markiyan's error message.

I wonder if you can help me with finding a command in the Maple Library with which I can count the sum of the number of partitons of an integer (n) into (k) sets where k= 1 to 5. This command is available for Stirling numbers  using the Σ symbol and defining k=1 to 5 before the Stirling2 (5, k) commmand.



@Carl Love Thanks for replying to Markiyan's error message.

I wonder if you can help me with finding a command in the Maple Library with which I can count the sum of the number of partitons of an integer (n) into (k) sets where k= 1 to 5. This command is available for Stirling numbers  using the Σ symbol and defining k=1 to 5 before the Stirling2 (5, k) commmand.



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