Alex Joannou

30 Reputation

5 Badges

16 years, 140 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Alex Joannou

Is there a built-in function in Maple 2015 that identifies and prints prime numbers in a specified integer range?

  Can I dowload the Iterator package and use it with Maple 12? Thanks.
 Can't copy from Maple worksheet and paste here in the Mapleprimes text editor. It's very cumbersome when one needs to detail technical examples. Is there a way to copy and paste?Thanks
 I obtained a count of 7 with the command: stirling2(4,2) . How do I get a list of the 7 partitions? Thanks.

@Carl Love  Thanks for your reply. Composition breaks down into  distinct ordered  k-tuples . Partition breaks down into all possible sums with no regard to order.

Example: composition (4, 2)    {[1,3], [2,2], [3, 1]}   allstructs (Partition (4) ,size = 2)     [ [1, 3], [2,2]] 

For the allstructs ( Partition (n...

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