
524 Reputation

18 Badges

15 years, 195 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Alger

Hi all

I have this repetition with for:

for i from 1 to 10000 do x[i]:=sqrt(i); print(i); end do:

I want to know at the same time when the repetition is working, the value of i where the calculation is. Not at the last time of the calculation of all the repititions.

Example: when i=1, I want to see 1, when i=600, I want to see 600 at the same time of execution the repetition and not the last of the repetition  

Thank you



I have this attched procedure "Alt_lisse1".

Why the result e1 does'nt take into account the known variables



is it possible to remove this warning and not to show it when executing a procedure ? 

Warning, `AzIII` is implicitly declared local to procedure `lisse`


I have functions like

g := (y, t)->sin(y(t))

diff(g(y, t), t) # ok

How to determine the derivative below with maple :

diff(g(y, t), y(t))



Is it possible to use the command MatrixFunction with two matrices as:


A := Matrix([[-13, -10], [21, 16]]); B := Matrix([[3, 0], [21, 16]]);

BesselY(A,B) ?

In the maple help we can do the calculation only for one matrix as:

MatrixFunction(A, sin(x), x);

Thank you

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