
45 Reputation

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0 years, 236 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Andiguys

Could we create a plot with tau0 varying from 0.1 to 0.6 on the x-axis and profit on the y-axis displaying Rprof, Mprof, Tprof, T_Cprof all on the same graph?

Sheet attached :

I would like the graph to display the optimal point clearly marked with a red dot. Additionally, the optimal point should be labeled for easy identification. what is the syntax for it.
The  sheet is attached below :

ContoursWithLabels(............................, labels = ["delta0", "s2"]);

how to make delta0  and s2 ? and delta should be symbol not word?

I have a set of four equations along with specific parameter values provided in the dataset. I need to create a graph where I can dynamically adjust the values of parameters g2 and y within the specified range given in the sheet.

Could you provide a maple code that allows for this flexibility, ideally with interactive controls (like the slider buttons shown in the example figure)

I have solved a simultaneeous equation for a variiable s. I have used command solve. Can i see what happens in background, Each step by which the equations are solved.

I got answer s=j. But how i got it can i see

attaching the sheet:

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