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0 years, 131 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Andiguys

How to find KKT conditions using maple for maximization function with constraint?

Decision variable are k1 and k2.


Loop is not executing all values just considerinng 1st value of tau0 =0.3.

Also how to plot a 2D graph from the loop result

Attaching sheet with questions in the sheet:

The attached sheet contains equations H1 to H6 and K1 to K3. What data do I need to modify to ensure that the values of H1 to H6 fall between 0 and 1, and K1 to K3 are negative? The parameter ranges are also given in the sheet. Is there a method to achieve this?

How to use for loop in the optimization function? The objective function contain piecewise function, in that case what to do?
Can anyone help me with the syntax? I am attaching the sheet below:

I'm encountering an error in the optimization process when adding constraints C1 and C2. I've attached the sheet for reference.
To obtain a graph similar to the one below, which parameters in the data should I adjust? As you can see in the attached sheet, the graph is concave with respect to tau1 but not tau2. What changes should I make to ensure the graph is also concave with respect to tau2?

Dummy graph:-

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