
15 Reputation

3 Badges

2 years, 106 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by AngieS7

Hello everyone, 

I am trying to solve 6 equations with 6 unknowns in maple. I tried to simplify them and they are shown below. Unfortunately, after using solve I get:

Warning, solutions may have been lost
                            sol := ()

Can you help me with it, please? I tried to solve it with Matlab and got a warning that no explicit solution could be found and had no luck with mathematica either.  Thank you very much!!


omega_1 := 1;
beta_1 = 0.2;
omega_2 := 0.15;
beta_2 := 0.15;
mu := 0.4;
g := 9.81;
K := 5;
vb := 0.5;
tc := arccos(vb/(A*omega));

Ns := mu*(omega_2^2 - K)*B*(2*omega*tc - sin(2*omega*tc) - pi)/pi;

Nc := 4*mu*(omega_2^2 - K)*x2*sin(omega*tc)/pi + mu*(omega_2^2 - K)*C*(2*omega*tc + 2*sin(2*omega*tc) - pi)/pi;

a0 := -mu*(omega_2^2 - K)*x2*(1 - 2*omega*tc/pi) + 2*mu*(omega_2^2 - K)*C*sin(omega*tc)/pi;

eq1 := -A*omega^2 + A*omega_1^2 - B*K - Ns;

eq2 := 2*A*beta_1*omega*omega_1 - C*K - Nc;

eq3 := -2*C*beta_2*omega*omega_2 - B*omega^2 + B*omega_2^2 - A*K;

eq4 := 2*B*beta_2*omega*omega_2 - C*omega^2 + C*omega_2^2;

eq5 := omega_1^2*x1 - K*x2 - a0;

eq6 := omega_2^2*x2 - K*x1 - g;

sol := solve({eq1, eq2, eq3, eq4, eq5, eq6}, {A, B, C, omega, x1, x2});

Hello everyone, 

I have a function C that depends on Omega and mu_s values. I am trying to get a 3d plot of C for certain Omega and mu_s values. First, I got the graph for Omega=0.1..10, mu_s=0.1..0.6 (red plot). Then, for Omega=0.1..50, mu_s=0.1..0.6 (green plot). In the second case, I expected the first part of the graph to be the same as before, but with values of C for Omega till 50. However, the first part of the plot changes as well. I do not understand why. Can someone help me with it, please?

I would really appreciate it! 

Thank you!!

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