
49 Reputation

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15 years, 122 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by Auliver

Many thanks.

I finally managed to figure it out manually. The expression,


splits into partial fractions of the form




So, in the summation, the 2nd and 3rd terms cancel, the 4th and 5th terms cancel, etc until finally, we are left with


as the final result of the summation.


But many thankls for the code. That'll come in useful.

Many thanks for the comments lads.

NM. I just figured it out :)





Thanks to you both. I used the 2nd option with offset and view. My histogram now looks good!
Thanks, that works great. I have a great-looking histogram. Just one thing though. My data-set actually started at daynum = 235. So it would look like L := [[235, 3], [236, 1], [237, 2], [238, 3], [239, 4], [240, 6], [241, 5], [242, 4], [243, 1], [244, 2], [245, 2], [246, 1], [247, 3], [248, 3], [249, 6], [250, 6], [251, 10], [252, 7], [253, 5], [254, 6], [255, 3], [256, 1], [257, 1], [258, 1], [259, 3], [260, 1], [261, 1], [262, 2], [264, 2], [265, 1], [270, 1], [271, 1], [272, 1], [274, 1], [275, 1], [275, 1]]; Can I get the daynum-values (or a selection of them) to appear on the horizontal axis, or am I always going to be stuck with a sequentially increasing list of numbers from 1 onwards ? In other words, can I specify a range for the horizontal axis ? Many thanks.

Thanks Alec and Mario,

I think I am now getting used to the idea that what I wanted won't happen :(    I had hoped that a table would be an object, with an object name and that the cells could be referenced with something like TableName[Row][Col]

I had come across that help page on Table and Classic Worksheet before, but I couldn't for the life of me figure out how to get Maple input into the cells. I finally figured that out earlier on this morning.

For anyone else reading this, put the cursor into a cell and press Ctrl+M, or Insert>"Maple Input". A Maple input prompt appears in the cell.

I can definately see the advantages of having a Maple input prompt in a cell, but I guess there may still be a bit of copy and paste to do!

I was able to format a table to look exactly like the one on p. 167, and place each list element , from the generated data, in each cell. Then highlight the cells and click on the !-button to execute.

Thanks all.


p.s. in my user manual, Table and Classic Worksheet was on p.258


Thanks for the very quick reply. Yes, I can do that - use spreadsheets - but it was the presentation look that I was after. In the set book mentioned in the link I gave, it said that all graphs in that book had been created using Maple, and I assumed/hoped that the table (on p.167) had also been created using Maple. I felt that my results , when presented , would look much nicer in tabular format rather than in spreadsheet form. But many thanks for the input.
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