
60 Reputation

One Badge

1 years, 203 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Aung

@mmcdara SIr! your guide did help my problem.. i am sorry that i was a little hurry.
.....Here is another problem.. i change model equation  and it give again error....i dont' know what error means

my constraints for parameters are 
E[isnt] is between 13*10^9 and 16*10^9
P[i] and lambda[i] values are positive

i dont' know constraints for lambda[90] 

can you check and help? please.




E[1] := 126*10^9E[2] := 11*10^9G[12] := 6.6*10^9G_0__12 := 10.1*10^9nu[12] := .28E_0__2 := 15.5*10^9

true_strain := [0, .406915, .710106, .989362, 1.28457, 1.53989, 1.86702, 2.21011, 2.625, 2.99202]; true_stress := [0, 46.0227*10^6, 81.8182*10^6, 109.091*10^6, 138.068*10^6, 163.636*10^6, 194.318*10^6, 219.886*10^6, 248.864*10^6, 267.614*10^6]; epsilon_dot := 10^(-4)

true_strain := true_strain[2..-1];
true_stress := true_stress[2..-1];

N := nops(true_strain);

sigma_t := strain -> E[1]/E[inst]*
(add((P[i]/lambda[i])*(1-exp(-lambda[i]*strain/epsilon_dot), i=1..N)))))

[.406915, .710106, .989362, 1.28457, 1.53989, 1.86702, 2.21011, 2.625, 2.99202]


[46022700.00, 81818200.00, 109091000.0, 138068000.0, 163636000.0, 194318000.0, 219886000.0, 248864000.0, 267614000.0]




proc (strain) options operator, arrow; E[1]*(1-lambda[90]*(1-epsilon_dot*add(P[i]*(1-exp(-lambda[i]*strain/epsilon_dot), i = 1 .. N)/lambda[i])/strain))*strain/E[inst] end proc


Digits := 15:
obj := add(
         , i=1..N

opt := NLPSolve(obj, {seq(lambda[j] >= -1, j=1..N), seq(lambda[j] <= 0, j=1..N)} );

(51271290000.0000*(1-lambda[90]*(1-0.245751569738152e-3*P[1]-0.245751569738152e-3/lambda[1]+(-0.245751569738152e-3+0.245751569738152e-3*exp(-4069.150000*lambda[1]), -0.245751569738152e-3*(1 = 1 .. 9))))/E[inst]-46022700.00)^2+(89473356000.0000*(1-lambda[90]*(1-0.140824045987500e-3*P[2]-0.140824045987500e-3/lambda[2]+(-0.140824045987500e-3+0.140824045987500e-3*exp(-7101.060000*lambda[2]), -0.140824045987500e-3*(2 = 1 .. 9))))/E[inst]-81818200.00)^2+(124659612000.000*(1-lambda[90]*(1-0.101075238385950e-3*P[3]-0.101075238385950e-3/lambda[3]+(-0.101075238385950e-3+0.101075238385950e-3*exp(-9893.620000*lambda[3]), -0.101075238385950e-3*(3 = 1 .. 9))))/E[inst]-109091000.0)^2+(161855820000.000*(1-lambda[90]*(1-0.778470616626575e-4*P[4]-0.778470616626575e-4/lambda[4]+(-0.778470616626575e-4+0.778470616626575e-4*exp(-12845.70000*lambda[4]), -0.778470616626575e-4*(4 = 1 .. 9))))/E[inst]-138068000.0)^2+(194026140000.000*(1-lambda[90]*(1-0.649397034853139e-4*P[5]-0.649397034853139e-4/lambda[5]+(-0.649397034853139e-4+0.649397034853139e-4*exp(-15398.90000*lambda[5]), -0.649397034853139e-4*(5 = 1 .. 9))))/E[inst]-163636000.0)^2+(235244520000.000*(1-lambda[90]*(1-0.535612901843580e-4*P[6]-0.535612901843580e-4/lambda[6]+(-0.535612901843580e-4+0.535612901843580e-4*exp(-18670.20000*lambda[6]), -0.535612901843580e-4*(6 = 1 .. 9))))/E[inst]-194318000.0)^2+(278473860000.000*(1-lambda[90]*(1-0.452466166842374e-4*P[7]-0.452466166842374e-4/lambda[7]+(-0.452466166842374e-4+0.452466166842374e-4*exp(-22101.10000*lambda[7]), -0.452466166842374e-4*(7 = 1 .. 9))))/E[inst]-219886000.0)^2+(330750000000.000*(1-lambda[90]*(1-0.380952380952381e-4*P[8]-0.380952380952381e-4/lambda[8]+(-0.380952380952381e-4+0.380952380952381e-4*exp(-26250.000*lambda[8]), -0.380952380952381e-4*(8 = 1 .. 9))))/E[inst]-248864000.0)^2+(376994520000.000*(1-lambda[90]*(1-0.334222364823765e-4*P[9]-0.334222364823765e-4/lambda[9]+(-0.334222364823765e-4+0.334222364823765e-4*exp(-29920.20000*lambda[9]), -0.334222364823765e-4*(9 = 1 .. 9))))/E[inst]-267614000.0)^2


Error, (in simpl/reloprod) invalid terms in product: 1 .. 9


indets(obj, name)

Error, (in simpl/reloprod) invalid terms in product: 1 .. 9


  ScatterPlot(true_strain, true_stress, symbol=circle, color=blue),
  pointplot([[0.001$2]], symbol=circle, color=blue),
  plot(eval(sigma_t(Sigma), opt[2]), Sigma=0.001..max(true_strain), color=red)

Error, invalid input: eval received opt[2], which is not valid for its 2nd argument, eqns


  ScatterPlot(true_strain, true_stress, symbol=circle, color=blue),
  pointplot([[0.001$2]], symbol=circle, color=blue),
  plot(eval(sigma_t(Sigma), opt[2]), Sigma=0.001..max(true_strain), color=red),

Error, invalid input: eval received opt[2], which is not valid for its 2nd argument, eqns


opt := NLPSolve(
           seq(P[j] >= 10, j=1..N),
           seq(lambda[j] >= -1, j=1..N),
           seq(lambda[j] <= 0, j=1..N)

  ScatterPlot(true_strain, true_stress, symbol=circle, color=blue),
  pointplot([[0.001$2]], symbol=circle, color=blue),
  plot(eval(sigma_t(Sigma), opt[2]), Sigma=0.001..max(true_strain), color=red)

Error, (in simpl/reloprod) invalid terms in product: 1 .. 9


Error, invalid input: eval received opt[2], which is not valid for its 2nd argument, eqns





@mmcdara not give symbolically should need to define n terms...
is there any way can i get general answer...i don't want to define n  at this is my mfile..
it is ok no matter what ...i just want the symbolic final answer...may be my calculation process is not it give back with integration term





eq1 := int(sum(A[i]*lambda[i]*exp(-lambda[i]*(t - tau)), i = 1 .. n)*tau, tau = 0 .. t);

int((sum(A[i]*lambda[i]*exp(-lambda[i]*(t-tau)), i = 1 .. n))*tau, tau = 0 .. t)


eq2 := IntegrationTools:-Expand(eq1);

int((sum(A[i]*lambda[i]*exp(lambda[i]*tau)/exp(lambda[i]*t), i = 1 .. n))*tau, tau = 0 .. t)


eq2 := subsindets(eq2, specfunc({specfunc(sum),name=range},int),

int((sum(A[i]*lambda[i]*exp(lambda[i]*tau)/exp(lambda[i]*t), i = 1 .. n))*tau, tau = 0 .. t)



int((sum(A[i]*lambda[i]*exp(-lambda[i]*(t-tau)), i = 1 .. n))*tau, tau = 0 .. t)



int((sum(A[i]*lambda[i]*exp(-lambda[i]*(t-tau)), i = 1 .. n))*tau, tau = 0 .. t)



int((sum(A[i]*lambda[i]*exp(-lambda[i]*(t-tau)), i = 1 .. n))*tau, tau = 0 .. t)








sir...i still make a mistake....i think..model...
here is my integration....
i try normally it gives zero...but i try watching from maple Help 
it can't solve...please check this and then i can recaculate the model 





eq1 := int(sum(A[i]*lambda[i]*exp(-lambda[i]*(t - tau)), i = 1 .. n)*tau, tau = 0 .. t);

int((sum(A[i]*lambda[i]*exp(-lambda[i]*(t-tau)), i = 1 .. n))*tau, tau = 0 .. t)


eq2 := IntegrationTools:-Expand(eq1);

int((sum(A[i]*lambda[i]*exp(lambda[i]*tau)/exp(lambda[i]*t), i = 1 .. n))*tau, tau = 0 .. t)


eq2 := subsindets(eq2, specfunc({specfunc(sum),name=range},int),

int((sum(A[i]*lambda[i]*exp(lambda[i]*tau)/exp(lambda[i]*t), i = 1 .. n))*tau, tau = 0 .. t)



int((sum(A[i]*lambda[i]*exp(-lambda[i]*(t-tau)), i = 1 .. n))*tau, tau = 0 .. t)



int((sum(A[i]*lambda[i]*exp(-lambda[i]*(t-tau)), i = 1 .. n))*tau, tau = 0 .. t)



int((sum(A[i]*lambda[i]*exp(-lambda[i]*(t-tau)), i = 1 .. n))*tau, tau = 0 .. t)







it is only integration part....

@mmcdara Yes sir is an indeed viscoelastic problem. thank you i have experimental data and i'm gonna try like the guidelines you described. actually..i already fit the data using NonLinearFit command but i'm a little bit not faimliar with numberical calculation or optimization problem behind the i try to get this..thank u Sir.

@acer Sir, i have the same solution to this..this is right...but can you use a little simpler command..i mean i don't understand behind the idea of this line
temp := subsindets(temp, specfunc({specfunc(sum),name=range},int),

@Preben Alsholm Sir ..what you mean is that can be used directly in the model and without changing to standard function we can get the values of k from curve fitting?..right?

@Preben Alsholm thank u Sir
i just want k as symbolic there any other way k is as symbolic k?

@dharr thank u Sir.

 i don't know k , k is a material constant and i actually think k can be get from curve fitting .(may be i'm wrong)...and can we get standard functinos ..with k symbolic...

@Scot Gould Sir.... actually...the equation is like this......this is the governing equation for damage accumulation model of composite under fatigue loading...i consider with sinusodial loading case
  i have some derivation...dD/dt = some function and....finally we get   

D(t) = 1-(1-C(1+k) integral 0 to N (sigma_a * sin(omega*t))^k dt........

if i can get closed form solution..i can plot damage accumlation vs number of load cylce ...
and and loading parttern is a choice .. ....i can get closed form with different type of loading history..for eaxmple ( constant trapezodial pattern)..but sinusoidal loading are actually easy and cheap to set up  experiment and ...the problem is i don't get closed form solution for integral term.

@Preben Alsholm Sir.... actually...the equation is like this......this is the governing equation for damage accumulation model of composite under fatigue loading...i consider with sinusodial loading case
  i have some derivation...dD/dt = some function and....finally we get   

D(t) = 1-(1-C(1+k) integral 0 to N (sigma_a * sin(omega*t))^k dt........

if i can get closed form solution..i can plot damage accumlation vs number of load cylce ...
and and loading parttern is a choice .. ....i can get closed form with different type of loading history..for eaxmple ( constant trapezodial pattern)..but sinusoidal loading are actually easy and cheap to set up  experiment and ...the problem is i don't get closed form solution for integral term.

@aroche it's still show integral..not is the

@Preben Alsholm yes.Sir..but please check this equation.....
d(n)=int( (sin(omega*t))^k,t=0..N
i have eqautino like this...and maple didn't solve that equation by that maple crack..or this eqaution doesn't there any other solve this eqaution

@acer yes.Sir..but please check this equation.....
d(n)=int( (sin(omega*t))^k,t=0..N
i have eqautino like this...and maple didn't solve that equation by that maple crack..or this eqaution doesn't there any other solve this eqaution

@Preben Alsholm thank you sir...but in my problem k is parameter have to decide..from experimental data with curve there any solve symbolically with k prescence...N is loading cycle ...and n is cycle to failure ..this is cyclic loading problem....
the problem is k is material constant.....can you help ..without getting rid of

i go to the axes properties. and used tick doesn't change..can you please check my plot here is my m.file

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