
16 Reputation

2 Badges

19 years, 23 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are Posts that have been published by Baxter

My thanks to Prof. Meade and Prof. Harrington for their suggestions on how to increase "maxmesh" or "abserr". Prof. Harrington's suggestion about adding 'maxmesh=500' as an option in dsolve didn't pan out, but I'll try other numbers--I understand the maximum is about 8000 plus. Prof. Meade's suugestion about adding "abserr=1e-4" also didn't pan out (on my Maple 9.5--Prof.Meade seems to be using Maple 10,though this shouldn't make a difference,methinks!) However,adding abserr=1e-3 as an option to dsolve DOES work! Very strange indeed. Anyway,I've got my graph,and thanks again to Prof. Meade et al.
Hello , I have been trying to plot the solution to a boundary layer problem using Maple via the following programme: >BVP:={0.1*diff(y(x),[x$2]) + (x^0.5)*diff(y(x),x) - y(x) = 0, y(0)=0,y(1)=exp(2)}; >J:=dsolve(BVP,y(x), type=numeric,method=bvp[midrich]); >plots[odeplot](J,[x,y(x)], 0..1,color=blue,style=line,symbol=circle, symbolsize=12); However,before I can write the instructions to plot, I get an error message saying: "Error,(in dsolve/numeric,bvp) unable to achieve requested accuracy of 0.1e-5 with maximum 128 point mesh (was able to get 0.17e-4), consider increasing "maxmesh" or using larger "abserr" ."
Hello , I have been trying to plot the solution to a boundary layer problem using Maple via the following programme: >BVP:={0.1*diff(y(x),[x$2]) + (x^0.5)*diff(y(x),x) - y(x) = 0, y(0)=0,y(1)=exp(2)}; >J:=dsolve(BVP,y(x), type=numeric,method=bvp[midrich]); >plots[odeplot](J,[x,y(x)], 0..1,color=blue,style=line,symbol=circle, symbolsize=12); However,before I can write the instructions to plot, I get an error message saying: "Error,(in dsolve/numeric,bvp) unable to achieve requested accuracy of 0.1e-5 with maximum 128 point mesh (was able to get 0.17e-4), consider increasing "maxmesh" or using larger "abserr" ."
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