
10 Reputation

One Badge

5 years, 235 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by BjaMaple

n__a := Vector[row](10, [-35., -13., -19., 38., -47., -31., 81., 46., -80., -58.]), Vector[row](10, [36., 76., -74., -63., 87., -88., 25., 9., -92., -94.]), Vector[row](10, [71., 5., 83., 1., -99., 64., 65., 50., -29., -7.]), Vector[row](10, [75., -2., 95., -25., 77., -62., 98., -43., 96., 12.]), Vector[row](10, [47., 5., 25., -95., 8., 4., 51., -67., 89., -53.]), Vector[row](10, [-15., 92., -69., -77., -33., 69., 11., 19., -55., 21.]), Vector[row](10, [-48., 74., 27., -49., 49., -63., 51., 29., -67., -25.]), Vector[row](10, [-38., -24., 16., -24., -63., -87., 95., -12., 77., 40.]), Vector[row](10, [-80., -28., 83., -66., -25., -34., -11., 96., -70., 97.]), Vector[row](10, [48., -63., 81., -28., -1., 64., 34., 93., 13., 43.])

im trying to convert each vector in this list into a set making a list of sets. Also if you know a way to make a list of lists that might be useful

When i run seq(x__i, i = 1 .. 4) i get xi,xi,xi,xi instead of x1,x2,x3,x4.

please help i have no idea why its doing that.

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