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19 Badges

5 years, 85 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by C_R

Expressions of the kind

A cos(phi) - B sin(phi)

are solved by Maple to phi=arctan(A/B)

In such cases: Is there a way to get a solution phi=arctan(A,B) other than in the attached?

If not: Can the attached solution be done more efficient? There are quite some commands involved.

(It may happen that Maple returns "minus arctan". Then the attached solution does not work and has to be preplaced by something more complicated. A solution that always work would be desireable)



The Examples section on the help page of a command is important for learning, but cannot cover all uses. This is especially true for general purpose commands like "solve" or "simplify". Searching all help pages that contain the word "solve" results in too many irrelevant hits that do not contain examples.

Why does adding a bracket to a command not filter for help pages with examples using the command?

Inside a help page Find/Replace finds such strings.

Inverse kinematics can be done in several ways (this webinar gives a very good overview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0OZ9EM6dns). A effective and simple method is to run a model in reverse direction. This can’t be done with causal modeling tools, where information flow is fixed by design (https://de.maplesoft.com/support/help/MapleSim/view.aspx?path=MapleSimUserGuide/Chapter01).

Inverse kinematics, which is possible with acausal modeling tools, is only an example for running a model in the reverse (i.e., inverted) direction.

Without success, I tried to find a reference who first came up with that elegant approach.

Anyone knows more?

 I came across this question while trying to verify the equality of expressions containing elliptic integrals.


That's what Maple returns for EllipticK(1)


Error, (in EllipticK) numeric exception: division by zero






limit(EllipticK(k), k = 1, left)



indicate infinity.

Float(infinity) = infinity

Float(infinity) = infinity


is(Float(infinity) = infinity)




Download EllpticK(1).mw

I have no experience with elliptic integrals. Can I assume in this case that infinity is correct?

Evaluating this integral

Int(1/(sqrt(1-x)*sqrt(-x^2+1)), x = 0 .. 1); ((proc (x) options operator, arrow; x end proc) = value)(%)

Int(1/((1-x)^(1/2)*(-x^2+1)^(1/2)), x = 0 .. 1) = infinity*(Pi+1)


simplify(Int(1/((1-x)^(1/2)*(-x^2+1)^(1/2)), x = 0 .. 1) = infinity*(Pi+1))

Int(1/((1-x)^(1/2)*(-x^2+1)^(1/2)), x = 0 .. 1) = infinity



produces an infinite product as output. Why does Maple not automatically simplify to infinity. Can the extra information (1+pi) be of any use?

Download Infinity_times_something.mw


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