
35 Reputation

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16 years, 340 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Chris

@acer   It is tough to instruct these students.  But as Miss Lemon (Agatha Christie's Poirot) said, "Difficulties are made to be overcome".  And we of course did it with lots of obstacles.  :)  See 


@acer Dear acer,

Thank you very much for this.  I'll get onto this once I get back to work after the Easter break.

Meanwhile, I hope the next update of Maple will incorporate all these changes.  I cannot understand why you need to as Carl Love suggested use a "precalculus" package to get things working or as acer has suggested manipulate the codes, etc.  You would imagine that when one asks Maple to plot a graph, it would plot out exactly what you would get when sketching these by hand without having to get around things in order to get to the destination.  Alas! :(

P.S.  These are for primary school students, and so the easier way to do things, the better it is.  Hence, we have used right-click on the output of the function and choosing "Plots" and then select "2-D Plot of Right Side" as it is the quickest route for these 11 year old kids.

Thanks to all who have answered!!   Very much appreciated!

Have a good Easter everyone! :)

Dear Kitonum and Carl Love,

Thank you very much for responding.

We are currently teaching kids (age 11) to use Maple 2016.   

To plot functions, we ask them to type the function in Maple, for example:


Then we instruct the student to right click on the output. Then click on "Plots", then select "2-D Plot of Right Side".  This automatically generates the graph for them without having them to input lines of codes.  

Is there any other way of going around this without doing what you have suggested?

Many thanks.

@nm @roman_pearce @Alejandro Jakubi

hank you for your answers.

The reason why I am asking is because I deliver a course to our Primary Scholl students (Year 6) using Maple2015.  So I'll have to explain to them why Maple changed the order.

Any suggestions how to explain this to them in not so technical terms?

Hi.  Thanks for the reply.  

My question now is WHY does Maple do that?   I thought Maple is WYSIWYG.   Why did Maple change the order????

Hi pagan.


Thanks once again for answering the question.


Yes, the code work for the cube roots.


But when I changed the question to a square root, and modified the code you gave me, it gave a rectangular form answer instead of exponential form answer when I asked Maple to convert the answer to exp?!    See the example I provided where w=-2+2*sqrt(3)*I


What went wrong?


Thanks.  :)

Hi pagan.


Thanks once again for answering the question.


Yes, the code work for the cube roots.


But when I changed the question to a square root, and modified the code you gave me, it gave a rectangular form answer instead of exponential form answer when I asked Maple to convert the answer to exp?!    See the example I provided where w=-2+2*sqrt(3)*I


What went wrong?


Thanks.  :)

Hi pagan.


Thanks for your reply.


What does the following do?  Especially with p^2 


Also, it seems not be able to convert the answer to exponential form?


Here is an example where it fails when finding the square root of w.

The last line gives

This is not what I want.  I want 4e^(2/3 Pi*I) as exponential form.

Also, I did not include the seq line as I don't know what it does!!!



Hi pagan.


Thanks for your reply.


What does the following do?  Especially with p^2 


Also, it seems not be able to convert the answer to exponential form?


Here is an example where it fails when finding the square root of w.

The last line gives

This is not what I want.  I want 4e^(2/3 Pi*I) as exponential form.

Also, I did not include the seq line as I don't know what it does!!!



Hi Georgios.

Thank you very much for the reply and your help.

In regards to your suggested solution, how would you then put the solution in the form of polar form and exponential form:

Many thanks once again.

Hi Georgios.

Thank you very much for the reply and your help.

In regards to your suggested solution, how would you then put the solution in the form of polar form and exponential form:

Many thanks once again.

@Alex Smith

Hi Alex.  Thanks for the reply. 

Whilst it is obvious that the difference between the answers (from Tables by hand and by computation via Maple) varies by a constant, students have to literally sit down and do the conversion manually (from what they obtained from Maple back to what they obtained by solving it manually).  This might be a good practice for the students but it kind of defeats the purpose of using Maple in the first place.   That is just my thought.  :)

I have earlier placed this in the question forum but no one has been able to provide an appropriate answer.




But the command convert fails to do the conversion. I should obtain arcosh(9/2*x)+c.   But the answer is in terms of the natural logarithm: ln(9*x+sqrt(81*x^2-4)) which if one simplify by hand, one should be able to get the arcosh answer.  By integrating this by hand and the use of Tables, I should get the arcosh function as my answer.  However, for some reason, Maple failed to convert it.  Disappointing for me and my students.

Hopefully Maple 15 would be able to fix it.

BTW, when is Maple 15 likely to be released?????   I plan to ask my IT to get it when it is released.  We are currently using Maple 12.  We skipped 13 and 14 and hopefully 15 will be enriched with features for my students to explore.

Hi Robert.  Thanks for the reply and help in this.

I just discovered that if I change it to


that would also complete the square of the y part if there is another component of y.

Many thanks once again. 

P.S.  I have just posted another question on conversion with heading "Failure to convert from ln to arccosh".  If you know how to answer that, that would be great!  :)

Hi Robert.  Thanks for the reply and help in this.

I just discovered that if I change it to


that would also complete the square of the y part if there is another component of y.

Many thanks once again. 

P.S.  I have just posted another question on conversion with heading "Failure to convert from ln to arccosh".  If you know how to answer that, that would be great!  :)

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